Front End vs Back End vs Full Stack: Which to Choose

Front End vs Back End vs Full Stack: Which to Choose

The internet is populated by more than 1.5 billion websites, all of which need to have structured layouts on numerous pages in addition to intuitive, user-friendly features whenever customer interaction is required. When you consider the number of software and mobile applications on top of that, the sheer amount of technological innovation in the world today is truly impressive.

These sites and software packages are developed and maintained by front end, back end, and full stack developers. Each of these professionals has a different role, and understanding their similarities and differences can be a bit confusing.

Let’s dive into the various factors that define the three main types of developers.

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What is a Front End Developer?

Front end development focuses on what the customer sees in a website or application. A front end developer works with user interfaces (UI) and user experience (UX). Graphic design can be a substantial element of front end development, and many front end developers have an artistic, visually creative side.

There are two primary challenges front end developers regularly face. The first is keeping up with the continual evolution of tools and technologies associated with what the user sees. Customers consistently demand easier access and more intuitive interfaces across a broad range of applications. As our world becomes increasingly technologically based, users no longer visit sites just to read static information or limit software use to word processing and spreadsheets. Virtually every aspect of our professional and personal lives now has an online or tech component, and each of them requires a front end interface.

The second challenge front end developers deal with is the constant evolution of device types and screen sizes. Twenty years ago, a desktop browser was virtually the only type of display interface that front end developers had to work with. Today, numerous cell phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and wall-mounted displays can access the same features. This problem is exacerbated by legacy technology: when a new device or screen size is introduced to the market, that doesn’t mean an older model drops off. Creating front ends that can accurately render an attractive and functional user interface across all of these variables is a perpetual challenge. The upside of this is that front end development is a robust career field with a demand that isn't going to drop off anytime soon; in fact, the need for qualified developers is only increasing.

What is a Back End Developer?

A back end developer handles the functionality of a website, mobile application, or software package. Back end development works with server-side logic, programming, databases, and application programming interfaces (APIs) to create a useful website or tech application. Anything that happens behind the scenes, like scripting and architecture, is typically the responsibility of a back end developer.

Some of the broader skill sets back end developers need include a strong familiarity with logic, an understanding of numerous operating systems, and an intimate knowledge of servers and networks. Back end developers must have strong communication skills to understand a client’s needs and be able to communicate how the solution he created meets those requirements.

Debugging functionality also primarily falls on back end developers. This can be tremendously involved and time-consuming, requiring a broad range of skills to track down errors and eliminate them effectively. Cybersecurity is also a perpetual and increasing challenge that must be addressed at the design phase, requiring an in-depth understanding of technological vulnerabilities and black hat hacking techniques.

Front End vs. Back End: Required Languages

While front end languages can vary substantially, three stand out as foundational elements, particularly in web development.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and determines how a browser renders a site or application’s appearance. Initial versions of the language were mostly static, but they’ve become increasingly dynamic and responsive in recent years.

CSS refers to Cascading Style Sheets, a presentation language that works closely with HTML to make design elements more attractive and efficient. This language is particularly important when dealing with sites that have numerous pages because a single CSS setting can be applied across an entire site simultaneously without having to recode each application.

JavaScript is a high-level, multi-paradigm programming language that is often compiled just in time. JavaScript is critical when implementing dynamic visual and audio elements to web pages, increasing the level of interactivity a user can have with the graphical user interface (GUI).

Depending on the tech being developed, back end development could require working with virtually any programming language. No back end developer could possibly know all of them, of course, so specialization is a critical component of this side of the puzzle. However, several common denominator languages form the foundation of development.

Java is a cross-platform, class-based, object-oriented language.  You'll find this language used in large enterprise applications and corporate environments that leverage applications on a broad scale. Games, social media, and audio and video applications are the most common areas where a programmer will employ Java.

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It’s often used by researchers and professionals working with large databases. Its easy-to-read syntax makes it simple to learn and very popular among professionals who want to customize various applications.

Ruby is also a high-level, general-purpose language that’s dynamic, simple, and productive. Some of the most common programming applications for Ruby include object-oriented, functional, and procedural uses.

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is primarily oriented toward web development. PHP operates on the server-side but is embedded in HTML and is generally employed to manage databases, session tracking, manage dynamic content, and build e-commerce sites.

Front End vs. Back End: Which is Harder?

There’s not really a clear-cut answer to the question of whether front end development or back end development is more complicated. They both have their own unique challenges, and which is harder will often come down to an individual preference based on the problems you prefer to deal with.

Front end developers must be flexible, continually learning, and able to deal with evolving requirements from clients who often have non-technical backgrounds. Where back end programming languages tend to be far more stable and change much more slowly, front end programming is in a constant state of progression. If you enjoy being on the cutting edge of visual elements, front end development will likely be easier.

Back end developers deal with far fewer changes. The languages they use can be employed in numerous ways, but the principles back end developers use to design various applications remain relatively stable. The challenge here often lies in developing complex functionality for clients, effectively debugging it (which can often be an involved, complex process), and designing each layer of an application with cybersecurity best practices in mind.

Why is Full Stack so Popular?

The front end and back end of a website or program are rarely cleanly separated. There is a tremendous amount of integration, and the more closely both sides are designed to work together, the more functional and effective the site or software will be. While splitting these duties between front end and back end developers is very common, having someone who can do both simultaneously is often an optimal situation. Any programmer who can handle both front end and back end development is known as a full stack developer.

Facebook first popularized the role of a full stack developer due to the tremendous amount of crossover between the user interface and the underlying functionality of the social media platform. Since then, full stack development has picked up momentum across the entire tech sphere as companies realize the efficiencies that can be gained by employing a jack of all trades. If full stack development is where you plan to end up, you’ll need to learn either front end development or back end development first. Choose the one that appeals to your natural talents and interests, then learn the other as you work through various projects.

Front End vs. Back End vs. Full Stack Salaries

Front end developers and back end developers earn similar salaries, averaging approximately $75,000 annually. Full stack developers make substantially more at around $114,000 per year. Some people might find the similarity between front end and back end development surprising, but this is primarily due to a personal assumption that one or the other is easier. As discussed previously, each side of development is complex, involved, and involves different challenges.

However, it isn’t any surprise that full stack developers are much more highly paid. Mastering both the front and back end of website and software development is an involved process that requires years of experience and the ability to program in multiple languages. While the demand for front end and back end developers is steadily increasing, the need for qualified full stack developers is expanding at a much more rapid pace. Regardless of which of these options appeals to you, the future for developers is bright.

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