AWS vs. Azure vs. Google: Cloud Wars 2020

The world has stepped into the digital age. The wars are based on information and technology. Now the competition is on progression. Remember the Lord Varys? Well, today’s age is for characters of his build and the wittiest. Much like all arenas, the cloud wars are about to start. Google has been silent and has been lagging behind AWS and Azure, but recently Thomas Kurain, the current Google Cloud Platform CEO, announced an aggressive approach of excelling in the GCP’s market shares. Although cloud computing is not a new concept and many players are in the race, but there are always few who are in the front lines. AWS, Azure and Google Cloud are these members of the cloud computing race.

According to Garter June 2019 report, each company’s market shares were as follows


2017 Revenue

2018 Revenue

Growth Percentage















AWS has been the top player since its inception. Securing a roaring market of $30 billion, the AWS services are top-notch, scalable and ever-evolving. The technology growth is astounding, and so are the market shares. Although few say that AWS had a head-start of seven years but is it really? AWS services have an ever-growing range which can be considered its most significant edge. Unfortunately, this edge is also one of its weaknesses. A wide variety of services, tools, and platforms confuses the new consumers, and they like to fall back on easy choices. It’s like preferring the color of a smartphone over the technical specification. Dumb? Not really if the expectations or requirements are pretty low. It becomes challenging for the entrepreneurs to step up and choose between the plethora of categories. Take AWS cloud training to understand and manage better.


Second, in line with cloud computing shares, Microsoft Azure owns a market share of $11 billion. The Azure cloud services are a common choice for new entrepreneurs and the existing tycoons. The Azure cloud offers an abundant choice of services and tools. The Microsoft Azure cloud services have the edge of being a familiar face to a technology upgrade. The Microsoft Azure cloud training courses cover a wide range of learning tools and certifications. The consumers trust the Windows OS, are already using Office 365 services and the transition seems seamless. Although Azure is at AWS’s heels, Google Cloud Platform can give Azure a run for their money. The Azure market has a competitive edge as they offer public and private cloud transitions supporting an efficient hybrid cloud. The Microsoft Azure cloud training courses will have you covered.

Google Cloud Platform

The Google Cloud Platform is the cool dude in the group. Still, behind Azure, Google cloud excels in providing open proprietary services but since the services offered are limited, there is still a long way to go. An enhanced solution at a reasonable price, Google Cloud provides a versatile range of computing, networking and storage solutions. Having a solid bench of AI, innovation and supply chain management. You should get your hand on Google cloud certification to get better at handling GCP.

Final Verdict

AWS wins the game. Versatile application and smooth transition or scalability. Although the pricing might be more than Google or Azure, the ever-growing market of cloud computing, and the ever-changing application requirements and technologies, it’s time to play safe. AWS wins the race as it has massive and straightforward storage, tons of tutorials online. Using elastic beanstalk, lambda functions, and restful APIs, AWS hosted applications are fast, scalable, and resource-friendly allowing you to pay as you go.