While cloud computing guarantees an innovative, cost-effective and collaborative solution to the new technical business arena, it can be overwhelming. Entrepreneurs and small businesses want to sign-up to the big leagues and go for cloud computing while big tycoons are considering cloud computing to bring exponential growth to their growing business. The plethora of choices, service providers and tech jargon can throw one-off track, and it seems like there is so much to cover. Let’s see how we can help you learn cloud computing technology with insights.
Tip -1: Start with WHY
A recent conversation with a friend reminded me that we are the fans of Simon Sinek, and the real fans of Sinek always start with WHY. So let’s see why you have to transition to cloud computing.
The key benefits of cloud computing are
- Reduced Costs
- Scalability
- Reliability
- Disaster and Risk coverage
- Collaborative
- Fresh Software and Real-Time Updates
- Flexibility
- Availability
- Mobility
And I’ll encourage you to add in all sorts of abilities that you can think of. Yes, it is that good. Once you learn cloud computing technologies, there is no going back. Now jokes apart, let’s consider the real ground realities. No one starts a business with a limited vision, and the goal is to reach heights and grow with the latest technologies. One way is to invest in each trend change, but the trends change on a monthly basis, and honestly, that’s a huge capital investment loss at each transition. Cloud computing keeps you in the game where the foundation remains the same only the furniture/structure/model changes based on the requirements. Adding or removing walls to your offices while keeping the business on the go, no effects on the growing clientele. Similarly, cloud helps you in not only keeping your own team and business close but to keep your clients closer transitioning through the technological trends as they come and go.
Tip-2: Work on WHAT
Now that we’ve established why you need to learn cloud computing technology let’s answer what you need to learn. Cloud comes in all shapes and sizes. You can choose your own and take it home. Literally! Before jumping on board, know what technology or cloud structure you need for your organization. The sensitive data needs to go on Private Cloud, and the data sharing with less sensitive data such as emails or essential files can be shred using a Public Cloud. Another solution is combining the two and going for a hybrid (a mixture of private and public cloud) or multi-cloud (using more than one cloud) solution. Way too much technicality? No worries, any certified expert can guide you in regards to this.
Tip-3: Choose Who?
Once you know your requirements, all the technicalities, and the appropriate services and models of the cloud, let’s step to where you need to decide whom you want to do your business with. Much like all technologies, we have many cloud service providers in the market. While amazon cloud services have the flexibility and attractive tools and countless, literally countless options of cloud, Microsoft Azure offers smooth and seamless integration with Windows applications. The team can stay connected with Azure, collaborating on multiple fronts working on the same project simultaneously. Where Azure and amazon lack, Google provides. Google is an open-source supporter, provides smart and cost-effective cloud solutions. The Google team is on fire and working tirelessly to educate its consumers regarding emerging cloud trends and solutions. The experts can guide you on which cloud and technologies to adapt to the transition to cloud computing.
Tip-4: Aim for Secure Cloud
The cloud experience can be of only two kinds, cloud-nine or a cloudless sky. Your data is on the cloud, sensitive data, and repetitive emails. Hiring a smart expert and investing a secure cloud solution is mandatory. You must know where your data is to make sure that your walls and armor is working right. Making sure that the data passes through dedicated hardware and servers helps track the data flow and secure it from time to time. Similarly, investing in a secure backup is often overlooked but is as vital. The natural disaster and technical misfortunes are inevitable and multiple secure and reliable backup options allow you to work with peace of mind. Imagine loosing data of your clients and customers in a disaster and poof! All gone. The PCI compliance and certification comes in play and makes sure that the data centers are secure and follow the standards and protocols for a resilient system. As light as the cloud comes, a bright sun might clear the sky!
Tip-5: Know your peers!
Once you finalize your cloud provider or even before that, approach businesses and organizations and ask them for their experience. What they prefer and then choose the correct cloud service provider. This might give you the insight to foresee the budget, costs, data and resource management and risk management. Although it’s not a definitive foresight, but it can give a good inkling on what is ahead, and direct communication can make sure on a clear and nonobjective, unbiased feedback.
Tip-6: Have your back!
Knock your system from all points and look at all nook and crannies. Make sure that your system is tested well and from time to time to make sure that it’s secure and efficient. Securing sensitive data and hiring professional hackers to break into their system is a common trend in organizations to make sure that they’ve covered all fronts. Scanning for vulnerability can help you secure your cloud before anyone can gain unauthorized access and make malicious attacks.
Tip-7: Together, We Grow!
Train your team regarding the clouds’ in and outs. Proper professional training on various vulnerable areas such as social media spying, phishing, malicious website, and secure web surfing can take your employee security one step further. Moreover, using SaaS, software as a service or PaaS (product as a service) are cost-effective and flexible resolutions to collaborative work environments keeping your team synced online and offline, night, and day, twenty-four seven.
Like the dr prescribed, a cloud a day keeps the overhead away. Finding the right cloud solutions can be a tricky phase but, once implemented, can bring your business a cloud nine experience. Learning cloud computing technologies can help you in identifying the business requirements, choosing the correct cloud structure, model, services and providers. Stay tuned for more insights!