How to Manage Cloud Security Risks


With increasing digitalization and more reliance on computers, the world is entering the corporate hub with the most robust tricks and techniques to apply to the systems. But these advancements also benefit hackers who are learning new techniques and use enhanced machine learning to breach into the privacy of your system. Therefore, the most hazardous threat to an organization is the obstruction of data within the networks and servers.

The protection and storage of data are the prime and most fundamental concerns of organizations. Where hackers are using the advanced techniques to polish up their expertise, the information security professionals are using similar techniques for their advantage, which is to protect and store sensitive data. One of the techniques is to hire cloud computing experts who have obtained

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is defined as the computational services offered to critically analyze, process and store data. In addition to these, cloud computing also offers its services in providing flexible scaling techniques, abundant resources and conventional methods to tackle the problems. Moreover, it can systemize every software, network and server running in the system. Cloud computing also proves to be economical, because you only pay for those services that you use in your company.

What Are Cloud Security Risks?

Cloud computing provides a series of imperative benefits, but there are certain cloud security risks that must be ensured.

  • Identity theft
  • Data breache

Past Cloud Security Breaches

It can be a little unsettling to have all personal information leaked out. The giant wrestling company called WWE had their data breached in the previous year. According to reports, three million users of WWE had their information breached because a database got hit that was located on the cloud server of Amazon. Various other top breaches that occurred in the past are mentioned below.

  1. LinkedIn

In 2012, LinkedIn went through a massive breach of privacy, which was published in Russia. As a result of these breaches, the passwords of about six million customers were stolen. The hackers didn't stop. In 2016, the e-mails of 167 customers along with their passwords were stolen, and they were put up to sale on the dark web. However, LinkedIn got itself out of this misery by implementing two-way authentication.

  1. Microsoft

In 2010, the first breach took place on the premises of Microsoft, but only a few people were affected by this incident. The breach occurred due to the incursion of unsanctioned users into the servers of the cloud, but this incident was supervised immediately and got resolved within two hours. The data breach got under control. As it was the first breaching of data, it was an alarming situation.

  1. Home Depot

Home Depot is one of the biggest DIY retailers, which became the victim of security breaching in 2014. It took a while for the experts to detect the breaching, as it was going on at the terminals of points of sale. This breaching took control of credit card numbers of more than 56 million customers. Home Depot had to pay more than $60 million dollars to reenact their position in the market.

  1. Yahoo

The breaching of information in Yahoo has been the biggest data breach of all time, and this breach affected billions of people in 2013. All affected users lost vital information to the hackers, which consisted of their answers to security questions, first and last names, birthdates and passwords. Yahoo took three years to settle the dispute and win the battle against the hackers but to no avail. The damage had already been done.

Current Cloud Security Risks

The system of the entire organization is an interconnected web that makes it susceptible to hackers. With cloud security risks, the stakes are even higher than before.

  1. Data Breach

Data breaches occur when all the flaws of cloud security get neglected and you carry on with it as if nothing has happened. However, with the presence of flaws in cloud security, hackers can easily find the susceptibilities in the system and find their way into the system. It is an unauthorized incursion of the data, which is considered to be a high cloud security risk.

  1. Loss of Data

You may think data breaches are bad, but the loss of data is even worse. With data breaches, you can still get access to a number of techniques to resolve the issues. With the loss of data, there is no going back. The hackers may even change the nature of the data, or they can even delete some of the most vital information from the system.

  1. Poor Access Management

The top cloud security risk is the poor management of accessing several people into the system. Cloud computing systems provide less security and easier access for employees.  Employees can mistakenly or willingly retrieve information buried in the storage compartments. This poor management grants entry to several other malicious tenants, such as malware, viruses, bugs and more, that can potentially destroy your system.

Future Cloud Security Predictions

Despite the past cloud breaches and current risks of cloud security, the future of cloud computing is brighter than one can imagine. There will be an 83% increase in the usage of cloud computing because:

  • The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with cloud computing will resolve security risks.
  • There will be an increased volume to store large amounts of data.
  • Cloud computing is differentiated into three kinds to improve the security of the system.
  • Apart from AI, cloud computing will use certain infrastructure and third-party security system providers.

With all these future predictions, it is also predicted that in 2022 95% of the data breaches will not be referred to cloud computing security systems. Instead, these will happen due to the negligence of employees who failed to apply the policies of the security systems appropriately.

How to Fool-Proof Cloud Security

Cloud security can be foolproof by using the three most important alliances that are mentioned below.

  1. Use of Artificial Intelligence

Information technology experts are already assimilating artificial intelligence with the cloud to provide better services in the IT departments of the organizations. With the improved cloud computing techniques, more data can be stored in the compartments of cloud servers, whereas artificial intelligence will provide the necessary protection to the servers. Moreover, artificial intelligence also helps to locate and detect minor vulnerabilities in the system, providing enhanced protection to all areas of the organization.

  1. Use of Cryptography

To foolproof cloud security, the best measure is to use cryptography, which uses the techniques of encryption to protect the data at all costs. With the use of cryptography, you can access all the files present in the cloud servers without having the fear of getting your information breached. Moreover, cryptography delivers the vital information without any delay, which gives no time to the hackers to look into it.

  1. Use of Training and Certifications

The weakest link present between computers and networks is the human element. It has already been predicted that the human element will mostly contribute to data breaches instead of the cloud. Therefore, the most important action to undertake to foolproof cloud security is the proper training of all employees. They must be properly taught about the terms, conditions, policies and strategies of the cloud security system. Moreover, your employees might accept some phishing emails that can let malicious malware into the system. It is a necessary precaution to take to protect your sensitive data.

In this regard, we have the best cloud computing training with cloud computing certifications to refine your skills in the IT field. These certifications will certainly mark your name in the IT world, because the future of technology relies on cloud security.