These recent years, cybersecurity have seen an acute challenge, with piles and piles of threats emerging on the horizon and the new ones making their way into the market, it can be a little difficult to stay focused at the game. But nonetheless, many true leaps have also been jumped in terms of success by cybersecurity these same past few years. Some of them have changed the definition of cybersecurity for the future completely and have given the developers and internet users a new periscope to view the threats they face, security developments they can work on, and what does the future holds in terms of innovation.
Many new trends have been followed by the tech companies and these issues have also been implemented thoroughly. Here is a crazy thing; the innovation in technology and digital resources not only benefits the corporations which are trying their very best to secure their data and prevent cyber breaches as these pile-ups but also does benefit the cybercriminals trying their very best to intrude those corporations in the first place. This overwhelming conflict when falls in the court of cybercriminals lead to the destruction of data, loss of substantial money, loss of productivity, theft of personal and financial data as well as the destruction of the security systems beyond the implementation of repair.
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Common Cyber Attacks Faced by Tech Companies
Following is a list of most common attacks faced by tech companies in recent years and the years that are yet to come;
- Data Encrypting ransomware; This is one of the most overwhelming threats faced by the companies out there as their end-users when being tempted by the hackers initiate the installation of a Trojan horse within their system not knowing what they are doing. This results in the encryption of all the important files and the demand for hefty ransomware for decrypting the files for the user.
- Not caring about the up-gradation of software; Many users don’t tend very friendly to the latest updates being sent over by the companies of which software system the user is running. This leads to the disclosure of vulnerabilities to the hackers which they ultimately exploit.
- DDoS attack; Distributed denial of service is referred to as the most lethal cybersecurity attack there is where the hackers and potential criminals overhaul the network of a digital company or website with false requests that turns into a complete clash of the networking system and thus the company or website itself. Many lethal attacks in history have been the result of the DDoS attack.
- Hacktivists; These are the new form of hackers that have taken the internet and web by the storm. They have their political goals and agendas and would stop at nothing, the most common thing they share with themselves and other members of the team is that they hack companies to extract or prey on the personal information of the users.
- Drone jacking; Drones have turned into assistive technology helping people from different niches and backgrounds to pull of various different tasks, surveillance, shooting pictures, recording videos, you name it there are even more to the list. Hackers can easily take control of the drones in order to break them or exploiting their overall security to make them do things these are not even designed for.
How cybersecurity has evolved in response to these threats?
Cybersecurity has done a remarkable job trying to back off these ever-emerging threats and cyber-incidents that don’t seem to stop any time soon. Cloud management suites have been designed that allows the corporations and digital systems to take up everything they have their applications, data, tools as well as the programs and take it up to the cloud. Not only are the prospects of security better and evolving at a pleasant pace but the chances of innovation to kick in are a lot more.
The companies that agree to migrate to the cloud would also get multiple resources they can actively use such as having a central dashboard that they can use for the sake of controlling each and every prospect of their digital empire. Data encryption and the adoption of the latest security systems are some of the other trends that cybersecurity has introduced, in today’s world where cyber threats are common than ever.
You can't simply risk putting your data out there without any protection and exposing yourself like that. It won't do, thus the idea of encryption and instating of firewall systems to help the developers and cybersecurity experts to determine the vulnerabilities that exist within their networking systems. AI and deep learning are some of the latest approaches that have been in play for far too long, paving the security of corporations and digital companies.
If you want to work as a security professional then it is recommended that you go on with the CISSP training as this way you will have a better chance of finding a higher paying job to pace the best career for yourself.