Introduction to Data Science
In today's world of technological advancement, everything is driven and handled by data and this data is essential for the growth of the businesses. Some industries also consider this data to be the blood of the entire organization that pumps through every core network and system to keep the organization flourishing. Today, hundreds and thousands of data are being produced by the entire globe and this figure is not coming down any time soon.
However, this data comes from multiple sources and it consists of all shapes and sizes which need immediate assistance. It has been estimated that about 80% of this data is unstructured and waiting to be formatted by some of the professional tools.
Here, the working of traditional frameworks becomes void which increased the urgency to develop innovative frameworks to structure the raw data. Therefore, Data Science came into production that uses various methods, tools, techniques, algorithms, and statistical approaches to extract valuable information from the raw data. The information extracted can help in the decisions made by organizations with enhanced effectiveness which, in turn, results in the economic stability of the industries.
Benefits of Data Science
Data Science provides marked benefits to the industries that utilize Data Science to bear prolific outcomes and some of the leading benefits of Data Science are mentioned below.
- Data Science helps in better and effective decision-making by looking at past trends and events.
- Data Science takes note of the ongoing competitions in the market and then recommend which part of the product needs modifications.
- Data Science helps in the production of smarter goods by addressing the trends in the market and procreate the products accordingly with enhanced effectiveness.
- The demand for Data Science in the market is only going to increase because the companies will never stop collecting data and making products.
- By making smarter products and efficient decision-making, you can target the related audience to your products and provide services that will enhance the customer service.
- Data Science opens a number of opportunities, from Healthcare to Publications, every dream can turn into a reality with the help of Data Science.
Role of Data Scientists in Businesses
Data Scientists use the most conventional techniques to explore the insights of the data to bring out significant information for the betterment of the industries. Data Scientists first apply Descriptive Analysis to get familiar with the events that happened in the past using the same data. After this, the Data Scientists use the statistical and probability approach to predict future events along with the Machine Learning to enhance the performance and efficiency of the systems.
These Data Scientists have all the right training to perform the methods of Data Science and bring out the vital information. Data Scientists have accurate Data Science Certifications that enable them to tackle every hurdle that comes in their way. Moreover, these certifications are necessary to refine your skills and mark your place in the tech hub.
Publication of Your Data Science Work
The next thing that Data Science can help you with is to escalate your career by indulging you in the publication of your work. However, publishing your work can make you anxious and overwhelmed but with this guide, you will be able to understand the key factors of why you should continue to write more. When it comes to Data Science, the work becomes more intricate and it is significant to share your experience that can influence the new writers to come forward and publish their work as well. In this guide, we will cover the following areas:
- Why is there a need to write?
- How can it boost your career opportunities?
- What advice can you give to the upcoming writers?
- Places where your contributions will be accepted and appreciated.
Why is there a Need to Write?
Writing is not only limited to professional writers but the art of writing can also influence several other people such as leaders, programmers, data scientists, managers, data analytics, marketers, etc. Let us look at some of the reasons why there is a need for writing your work.
- You Acquire Knowledge
Writing is the best way to communicate with a number of people and deliver all your thoughts in the form of words. Writing is not about perfect phrases, high-deal expressions, and grammar (however, grammar is important) but writing should be in such a way that the person reading it understands everything that you want to say.
You can learn to write for specialized purposes as well where you have to write professional emails, messages, reports, and documents. Thus, writing is required in every field of life so you shouldn't hesitate to write your own work. By writing stuff, you will acquire much more knowledge than you already have which can bear fruitful results in the future.
- You Share Your Knowledge
When you express your work and share your feelings with the audience, you generate a pedagogy of information for your readers. Whenever you write a blog post or an article, you share one of your life experiences which instill a great amount of motivation in your readers. You can share all your past work and preferences on the subject of Data Science and help the users understand how great deal it was to crack a concept that took days to comprehend.
Share your fantastic journey to pave the road to success and tell the reader how you got this much knowledge, which sources you utilized, and what did you acquire from those sources. By doing this, you don't know how many souls will get nourished from this information.
- You Influence Thousands of People
When you write your story or experience, you not only do it for yourself, instead, you inspire hundreds of thousands of people to come forward as well. Thus, by doing this, you procreate your own audience or a following that can help escalate your career in Data Science. This does not only create your following or audience because learning goes on in all the fields of life and thus; your work can also approach professional Data Science workers.
These professional Data Science workers with advanced Data Science Certifications can forward your work to high management, thus; opening a stream of opportunities for you along with the network of professionals.
How Can Writing Escalate Your Career?
Writing can help escalate and enhance your career opportunities in the following two manners which are mentioned below.
- Contact with the Potential Client
Thousands of people connect through blogs and articles, specifically the articles on Data Science and the related fields. One such person can be a potential client or the owner of a multinational firm that can get impressed by your work and achievements. This creates a new door for you to enter into escalated career opportunities that can broaden and boost up your achievements.
- Looks Good on Resume
When you want to get a job in any sector, the factor that has the greatest impact on your interviewer is your resume. Moreover, having communication skills mentioned in your resume can prove to be a cherry on top. Writing skills ultimately result in having enhanced communication skills because your published work will reflect how good you communicate your thoughts and stories into words.
Advice for the Upcoming Writers
Above mentioned statements may have motivated you enough to start publishing your own work to escalate your data science career. However, those paragraphs were directed to the professionals who were having second thoughts about writing.
Now, we are going to mention some advice for the upcoming writers or the writers who want to write but they don't know how to start. The advice is some of the keynote tips that you may apply in order to publish your work and these tips are mentioned below.
- Get Ready to Erase a Lot
No one reaches perfection overnight and it takes days, months, or even years to become a writer but the right determination and motivation you can achieve everything. You may write some of the lines or paragraphs but you will constantly erase, backspace, or delete the sentences till you get it all right. It is also believed that the key to Backspace or Delete is the most used keys in the keyboard but this should never hope down.
- Be Keen to Check All the Errors
Keeping a check on all the errors contributes to the better presentation of the article and it catches more attention than those articles that are filled with errors. However, this doesn't mean that you have to make your vocabulary strong or that you have to keep a dictionary with you at all times. Articles or writing are all about having the correct grammar and correct use of punctuation, spelling, word choice, etc. The easier language you use to communicate, the better it will be understood by the users.
- Style of Your Writing
The tone with which you start your writing holds immense importance to gather a significant audience. Your style of writing must be professional but it must also be professional and highly communicating. Moreover, in the case of Data Science, which is an intricate language and quite difficult to decipher, you must use a friendly tone to properly convey your ideas across the room.
This is because, the more understandable your content is, the more readers will it reach. Thus, for the sake of your career and audience, use an easily understandable yet less intimidating tone or writing style.
- Submission of Your Work
This is the most crucial task out of all the others and you need to be keener for this task. You need to upload your document to every site to catch maximum attention. This is because that is how you will gather an audience to appreciate your work. However, you must find those sites to submit your work that allows the submission of the Canonical URL. These sites don't possess duplicated documents and your official work will remain secure on these websites.
Places Where Your Published Work Will Be Accepted
Different places have different terms and conditions laid out which you must keep in mind before submitting your published work to them. However, the list of the top places which can escalate your Data Science career is mentioned below.
- KD Nuggets
- to
- Analytics Vidhya
- Hacker Noon
- FreeCodeCamp
- Publications of Medium
- Becoming Human
- Towards Data Science
- Towards Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning Review
- Better Programming
We are hopeful that this guide to escalate your Data Science career will prove to be beneficial for all the readers. This guide is the ultimate 2020 guide with the best tips to enhance your writing and other skills. If this guide motivated you then don't forget to mention Data Science Academy in your work because we'd love that if you do. In this way, many other professionals or newbies can take help from this guide and start publishing their own work to escalate their Data Science Careers.
By the name of it, Data Science can seem intimidating but let us assure that with a little nudge in the right direction can hold an immense amount of significance. No matter if you have a little or no knowledge about Data Science, if you feel a little bit of determination regarding Data Science, you must get ahold of it. All the processes and methods of Data Science are quite easy to comprehend, so you should also acquire the special skill set needed to be a Data Scientist.
If you are new to Data Science and want to acquire all the information necessary to become a Data Scientist and later for the publication of your work, then we offer Data Science Certifications. These robust and authentic certifications will certainly kick start your career in Data Science and make you enough credible to publish your Data Science journey with the world. Many people are pursuing their careers using these certifications it's time that you do