Top 5 Highest-Paying Data Science Jobs in South Africa

Top 5 highest paying data science jobs in South Africa

In the world of cybersecurity and cloud computing, where everything is moving at a steady pace and innovation is essential, a variety of different updates are made. New technologies are being developed and are being implemented to provide the end-users with a better experience while also helping businesses streamline their operations. As elegant as it may sound, driving insight from raw data has become a job lately for tech conglomerates and digital businesses.

They use insight to build predictive models that can help them govern future decisions, develop a new product or innovate the complete marketing strategy of a tech company to engage their audience. Data science has thus become important, as it is being used in business intelligence related elements, data mining, big data, extraction of insight using machine learning, artificial intelligence and even the SQL part of the databases to bring out the use of data science to its finest. South Africa is among such destinations that are bent to develop a data park that is self-sustained, can bring about the use of AI to extract insight from exponential amounts of data, and whilst filtering, processing and refining it.

The job market is pretty hectic right now. A hole created by the shortage of data science professionals emerged in South Africa, and this scarcity brings about better pay and long-term job contracts. So, in a way, it is good that the number of opportunities for data science experts has doubled over the years. The following are some of the best data science jobs in South Africa that are top-rated.

Top 5 Highest-Paying Data Science Jobs in South Africa         

Data Analyst

The data analyst is considered an entry-level job within the regime of data science, but the salaries can be different for working professionals based on experience level and other aspects. So, what does a data analyst do? These professionals are entitled to visualize, parse, clean and look at the company's data. They are then required to perform statistical analysis and other related tools over the data and answer the business-related questions. One question might be: According to the current data stats, how would the company thrive or diminish its working capability in the future?

You will have to work with plenty of teams and sections of the business, taking data from various nodes. Then after careful analyzation, you’ll try to answer the questions that decide the future of the business. For example, after collecting the marketing and sales data of a company you will be required to answer a handful of questions such as: Did the marketing detail went like it was supposed to?

As you learned how a data analyst work, you might get interested in pursuing this career. The average starting salary for this profession is about $68,000, and the numbers are also likely to go up after integrating their knowledge to a particular field and gaining more experience within it.

Data Scientists

Data scientists do just the same as the data analysts but with a twist in how they actually work. Data scientists have the liberty to pursue their own specific threads and ideas within the interpretation of data that is thrown at them. These individuals also develop eccentric programs and software based on machine learning to predict the future trends by careful data speculation. Learning new and improved methods to cope with the rising uncertainty within the cause of predicting the decisions for the businesses can be well managed this way.

Data scientists can overlap with a variety of different things, such as machine learning, developing predictive analytical based models, rendering the help from AI and while at the same time working at the top of your best self. At times you will even have to design the whole architecture yourself, consult with various teams in different departments and spark a sense of collaboration on a whole other level. So, in reality, it is a multi-disciplinary job but the one that pays more due to more responsibility.

Machine Learning Engineer

The basic task is the development of data funnels and delivering high paced software solutions. Another thing that you are responsible for is keeping the optimization, performance and management of the whole system in check. You must have strong statistics and programming-related skills to take on this job. Software engineers that have some experience with machine learning are considered more experienced for this type of job.

Applications Architect

The basic role includes the development and deployment of working cloud-based applications for the company while at the same time monitoring how well these are performing and how well the users are interacting with them. Your other tasks might include designing the architecture of applications, designing its various core elements and working on user interface and the app infrastructure-related elements for the app. It is one of the most fast-paced jobs today.

Data Architect

This is one of the highest paying data science jobs worldwide, and the scope is wide for this job. The main job of this professional is to create new system databases and using performance and design-based analytics for improving the interconnected data ecosystem with the company. The end goal here is to make the information readily available by the data scientists. Without question, it is the most in-demand data science job in all of South Africa. ormance and design based analytics for improving the interconnected data ecosystem with the company. The end goal here would always be to make the information readily available by the data scientists and without any question, it is the best and most in-demand data science job in all of South Africa.  

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