8 best practices for managing DevOps projects

DevOps is more of an integrated methodology than it is a technical system; it involves the harmonizing of the development and the operational sector of business together to bring about the most efficient of results. But it does require some of the top-notch practices to make sure that it runs smoothly and without any practical flaws. You must not advance with the subject of the DevOps systems without first linking or thinking about the practices that should have been implemented first. So, here are a few things that need to be aligned straight first such as;

  1. Start out with small projects

You should not burden your team with large or overwhelming projects from the get-go, this isn't the perfect way of doing things. What should be done is to gather the insight regarding the magnitude of work and then to break it down into smaller parts and assigning these to your team members. You should always start small and let your team get to the speed by learning how things work with such projects.

This approach is most effective if your team members have been together and or working with each other for some time as it will maximize the chances of success for your team and help you to grow together.

  1. Minimum viable product

This stagey can be stated as one of the most advanced and suitable set of practices that can be incorporated for the DevOps systems. This practice suggests that you should start out small and develop minimum viable products that can be developed and deployed fast towards the customers, require less financial input, and can be used to gather valuable feedback from the customers in real time. A well managed DevOps project can learn tremendous insight from these products and use the related data to make continuous amends regarding the future updates and systems.

  1. Using the right tools

It is very important for the professionals to use the right tools when dealing with the DevOps business, why? Because if not then nothing practical or of importance can be done or get completed as well. This is why it is important to use right tools not only for continuous integration, continuous delivery but also for the effective communication of the personnel with each other at all dedicated levels. You need to look out for the most simplified aspect of the configuration management, app deployment, their monitoring and version control.

  1. Eliminate silos

It is important to develop a common culture or unified vision within the organizational aspects of working and or development and operations. Because if not then it can lead towards the addition of 'silos.' So, what do silos do? Silos are vertical and a speed bump or hurdle within the common narrative of DevOps systems that is the systematic and continuous integration of systems in a dedicated way and is, on the other hand, horizontal.

Eliminating silos must be entertained as a common practice by the users and the developers alike because if these continue to stand, then your chances at success would continue to get thinner every passing day.

  1. Reduce the Handoffs

This is probably one of the most distressing and or unwanted aspects of the DevOps systems, so what happens with a handoff? As you might have grabbed a viable essence from the term "Handoffs," it directs to the handing over an undone project from one professional to the other and on goes the process. This creates tons of complexities for the professionals working down the pipeline, such as not being able to figure out what syntax or coding language was being used by the first professional to get things done and vice versa.

  1. Create real-time project visibility

In order to make sure that the vision of the continuous integration and maximum workflow is being achieved in a practical manner, there should be available a real-time project visibility for each and every professional. What would be achieved here is that different working professionals from different sections would have a concept or viable information at hand, such as what is the current status on the completion of the project. How much more work is done and when it will get done or handed over to them. This way, they can begin preparation in advance and continue with a generic workflow for the DevOps systems.

  1. Reduce overhead

If you want to add more oil to the engine instead of burning it for some non-required aspects, then it is important to reduce the overhead for the organization. How can it be done? Well, for starters, you can look into minimizing the overall need for arranging meetings, eliminating the status reports and motivating your team members enough so they can rather prove a viable asset to your organization.

If you can do this which is to reduce the overall overhead then a decent array of collaboration and segmented integration among managing the work flow can emerge within your personnel working on various projects and will in fact improve the overall efficiency of the systems.                             

  1. Manage the change collaboratively

It is very difficult for the professionals that are tied with DevOps culture to accept or relish change within configuration management and related systems, and there are a variety of reasons different for different working organizations. That is why it is very important for a professional working with the DevOps systems to deal with the change management collaboratively. This is something that can't just be done within a day or a week as it requires understanding and communicating the need for the change management and related systems first and then taking necessary steps to make sure that everything is well informed and being adapted exclusively.

This is how the change can be managed collaboratively and in full confidence as being approved by the team of professionals working over a specified project. DevOps best practices can be different for the different organizations and could require a specific type of certification to pursue a career in DevOps culture. Best DevOps certification can be found online with only a little dedication and can prove out to be a wonderful aspect for the professionals seeking out a career in the DevOps systems.