Installing DevOps processes in your organization should be the first and foremost priority, keeping in mind aggressive technological advancements and system improvements of today's business climate. If your company has not yet adopted DevOps, it is seriously missing out on what is perhaps the most advantageous and beneficial organizational change that can be brought about within the enterprise infrastructure. DevOps is widely regarded as the mindset of the most successful enterprises worldwide, and adopting its principle through rapid, company-wide technical and operational transformation needs to be made part of your strategy for the future.
However, if the technology and change management teams within the company are not skilled enough to adopt the change that DevOps brings, then trying to install the Agile mindset will result in more problems and solutions. on one hand, DevOps is necessary for both continuous delivery and better returns on investment in the long run. on the other hand, DevOps technology and systems management skills are required by any and all teams that hope to bring about the Agile change within the company. This can be a problem if the teams managing the transformation are not skilled in either the aforementioned change management or the systems and processes pertaining to DevOps. This is where DevOps Technology training comes in.
Training your teams to deal with all the challenges that are part and parcel of DevOps transformation, can not only instill vital agile principal within enterprise teams but can also ensure a future-proof strategic transformation that takes into account most, if not all the technological innovations that may arise in the future.
While DevOps is more of a change of mindset, rather than systems and physical technologies, there are some technical skills required to bring about the change that DevOps suggests. This is because some of the changes brought about by DevOps involve installing more efficient technology that allows for increased and even continuous delivery, as well as efficient database collaboration and management, by both the development and operations teams, as well as the management.
The last is important in order to create strategies and business goals that are aligned with the personal enterprise goals of the employees themselves. This is the true spirit of DevOps, and said spirit requires technical expertise that can only be brought about by training your deals on DevOps concepts
When we speak about technical skills, this includes both the soft and more advanced skills, such as breaking down organizational silos and having functional knowledge of advanced enterprise systems respectively. The former is a necessity in any case since silos are some of the worst infrastructure concepts that accompany can have in this day and. Limiting themes to silos also limits their operational efficiency, and reduces the amount of collaboration between the operations and development squadrons, something that literally defines DevOps (development and operations, with a collaborative backdrop).
The latter deals with understanding tools and technologies that are necessary for bringing about the digital and mindset transformation as commanded by DevOps. Tools and technologies aid teams and performing various tasks associated with reaching business goals as well as making the systems and processes more effective and efficient. These include software and systems, as well as platform, all geared towards the same objective.
Application security is one of the basic requirements in an Agile enterprise climate. This is because in order to deliver continuously, the application development process needs to be free of all elements that may threaten continuous delivery, and make possible setbacks in the future.
For example, if an enterprise is hoping to migrate to the cloud and function efficiently, it needs to secure the cloud infrastructure and make sure that the security framework keeps up with the information and cyber security challenges of the future. A framework and platform such as Microsoft Azure 2016 enable teams to both adhere to DevOps principles while also maintaining a robust information security framework in place. Training courses such as those dealing with using DevOps in the cloud can assist with this objective.
And the benefits of DevOps training are not limited to the aforementioned examples. If the enterprise is to witness any sort of success in the future it needs to invest in increasing the technical skills of the internal stuff as well as the most vital parts of the puzzle, which are the development and operations teams.