5 information security methods for big organizations

Information security is a large field that takes into account various elements such as protection of the data, implementing sound protection of security systems across the network, taking care of access control, and collecting information for various nodes of the business to determine vulnerabilities. Many big companies out there have already developed a dedicated response system in order to check for vulnerabilities and then exploiting these vulnerabilities to determine a security flaw so a patch can be developed to make it null and void for cybercriminals and hackers.

It is not only your dedicated system that should be held responsible for a security misconfiguration or possible data breach, people are responsible too. That is why make sure that effective data security training is given to them and enough awareness is created to help them determine possible use cases and processes they need to consider in order to interact with sensitive corporate data. Following is a list of dedicated information security methods that should be implemented by big organizations:

Determining data lifecycle

Every large and successful digital business out there has dedicated data maps using which they can understand their possible data points such as where it is stored, how it gets stored, and other various attributes. The bottom line is that they know their data and know where it is coming from so there are no surprises that will follow in the shape of a dedicated cybersecurity breach. Having an elongated data map will allow you to converse and shed a light on various possible data points, having a clear layout of the data nodes will allow you to determine any weaker points or a spot from where a breach can emerge.

All likely spots are to be dealt with as vulnerabilities and dedicated action should be taken for trying to mitigate these vulnerabilities and avoiding a credible data breach that is to emerge if no action is taken from these very spots.

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Encryption is a must

Large companies don’t only have to deal with data but different types of it too, that is why it is important that security standards are held high and it is made sure that each and every type of data must remain encrypted at all times. This brings into account the data that is at rest, the data that is in transit, and the data that is being held in the cloud. Even USB devices and other dedicated peripherals that are attached to the company's workstations should uphold encryption protocols in place, it will make sure that the integrity of the data remains intact and it will continue to do so even after a security breach.

Using cloud security tools

Almost every large company out there use the cloud in some manner, it can be either to store the data or using it as an application development platform. The bottom line is that cloud has become core equipment for such conglomerates, but an endearing question that arises here is that; do they get to control the security of their own data? The answer is; No, when something is given to the cloud then the cloud service provider is liable for the protection of the data. This is something that is making large companies out there extremely nervous about what they need to do and what should be done.

That is when large companies started to use cloud security tools, using these tools they can encrypt their data before it moves into the cloud, thus allowing them only a fraction of the control at what they owe as information.

Educating employees

Raising proper awareness for the employees has been a gradual but eventually a paid-off scenario for large companies. At times the protection of the data might come down to the individual employees such as in social engineering hacks and phishing attacks. That is why each and every employee should be subjected to proper awareness training in which they are exposed to various processes and guidelines in place that they should use in desperate times of a cyber breach or handling other such catastrophes. It would almost neutralize the threats that the company would have to face in even a cyber breach.

Establishing a BYOD policy

The BYOD or otherwise known as bring your own device is a practice in which employees are granted access to bring their own personal digital devices for work. It means that they can bring their own phone, laptop, or other working gadgets to the office and connect it with the company's network. As the security of such devices can't be confirmed and that is why a dedicated BYOD policy must be established to make sure that the devices connected with the enterprise’s network don’t pose a threat whatsoever.

There are a number of different information security certifications out there that can ensure you a great future and a pulsating career with essential job security. Pick any one that suits your temper, grind hard to train for the exam, and get your dream job by passing the exam and securing the certification.   

Talk to our experts and get more information on which certification should you take to start or advance your information security career.