Cybersecurity is a field where something new happens almost every day. Threat alerts are issued, updates are introduced for various programs and software, bugs are discovered and fixed etc. All these bits of information have to be kept tabs on because missing any one of them makes professionals vulnerable. Staying up to date with the latest happenings is the first step in beating cybercriminals.
As a career, cybersecurity was witnessed enormous growth. Professionals have access to numerous cyber security bootcamps online, all of which are designed to provide experiential learning and skills about the challenges which the industry is currently facing. Despite this, a good cybersecurity expert is one who understands what they are up against and one of the best ways to do this is following latest developments.
Here are a few sources which professionals and individuals in general can follow:
Begin by finding reliable sources
The beauty of the internet is that it can help you find whatever you might be looking for. This is not necessarily a good thing because at times, what you are looking for is not the correct version of things. Therefore, it is important to find sources which provide information that can be trusted. This is not something which is too difficult.
Many leading cybersecurity and information technology related organizations as well as authorities have their own websites which are up to date at all time. Thee European Union’s Computer Emergency Readiness Team or CERT provides extensive coverage on their news feed about latest happenings. SANS Internet Storm Center is another initiative which regularly posts about important news in the industry.
Blogs and news websites
Once you have ascertained which sources can be counted on, it is then time to look for other platforms which associate themselves with them. Every credible website or blog will quote where they took the information from and you can always trace it back to find whether the place it came from is worth a vote of confidence or not. Websites which don’t quote the original source of a news are possibly spinning the real version of things.
Many leading news outlets like Forbes and Huffington Post constantly feature blogs from guest or in-house writers where they elaborate on what’s current in the cybersecurity industry. For posts from guest writers, the credentials for the person are always mentioned in the end so it is easy to know who the person is and whether they are qualified enough to talk about the subject at hand.
Advisories and Alerts
The next avenue from where trustworthy information originates is advisories from mainstream authorities in cybersecurity. All or most of these institutes have their own websites or other platforms where they post regular updates as they occur. The CERT Coordination Center is one example which follows this trend. SecurityFocus also has a news feed of their own and so does the National Vulnerability Database. Brief summaries on issues and current news are also available on the US-CERT website just so that professionals and industry experts can protect their systems and infrastructures.
Personal connections and social circle
We all know people who are part of the cybersecurity fabric on corporate levels. Some might be working in Information Technology or could be studying to become part of these industries. These people are usually the ones who have in-depth as well as relevant knowledge about what’s happening in the market now. This is since they relate to the whole situation.
Using personal connections and taking to cybersecurity experts is an effective way of getting the best in terms of information and news. As an individual who is looking to become a part of this sector or if you are already working, these chunks of updates can become helpful in facilitating career growth. As the threat from cybercriminals grows, staying abreast with knowledge is becoming even more crucial.
It is a known fact that hackers or other malicious elements have had a jump start on us and they keep evolving faster than we do. Therefore, there is no much emphasis on knowing how things are going to turn out in the future. Knowing the enemy’s moves and studying them can eventually lead to predicting their strategies in the future.