Desktop on Cloud: Productive, Cost-Effective and More Secure

There is an ongoing debate within the digital world that it would be in best interest of the developers and IT engineers if they could move their assets to the cloud because that is where true magic happens. There is another system called virtual desktop infrastructure, where many organizations seem to not accept this type of technology even when the concept has been around for a few years. Many organizations have had their fill of virtual desktop infrastructure back in the day even when these organizations aren’t aware of it. If IT landscape is a food chain then the virtual desktop infrastructure is a concept setting its aim high on the upper level of the chain. You would have a better chance of securing yourself a future within the world of cloud computing if you commit to learn cloud computing online.

If you don't have a lot of experience with the virtual desktop infrastructure then this article is right for you. Having a virtual desktop infrastructure only means that very desktop environment of a user is entirely stored on a particular server System instead of being localized on a PC or desktop. Desktop virtualization software is the true asset here which separates the desktop operating systems and the data from the hardware which is to be stored directly on the cloud using a remote server.

If you are a business entity with less and less time to spend then this approach can actually help you to grow your business beyond your natural capability. You won't have to spend much money and time while setting up a virtual desktop infrastructure and it would also provide you with great defence against any catastrophic failure or illicit actions of the cybercriminals attacking your data or valuable information. With this technology customize your desktops rather easily and improve their speed as well as sharing of content with authorized users to and from server based systems. After learning a lot about virtual desktop infrastructure you would get to enjoy various benefits to better scale your business with the cloud, so without further ado let's get right into it;


Well, the most common traits of a virtual desktop infrastructure is that it is secure and isolated at all times which means that all your data would be stored on a virtual desktop that is not localized or connected with either of a physical media such as a PC or other dedicated operating system. It means that everything you own in the form of data or information now lives in the cloud which can help you to reduce any kind of particular threats that might be associated with either losing your data, corrupting it or getting it misplaced in the hands of the wrongdoers such as cyber criminals and hackers.

The concept of isolation can also help the virtual desktops for application testing. Meaning the developers would use virtualization to run applications around various desktops on the same endpoint for the sake of testing their product and modifying it before it can reach the customers. This way if there is any kind of problem with a code change and either the operating system or application crashes then the consequences would be minimal and not pressing to the professionals at all because everything happened in a virtual environment outside of the organization’s data centre using cloud and remote servers.

If you want things to move on a next level then you can use virtual desktop infrastructure to manage a network of completely randomized and remote servers. This is an example of classic outsourcing meaning you can use the machinery or operating system from a powerful backend IT company making sure that you take care of your applications and the systems that are currently developing and then can be implemented to the customers. All you would have to do is to manage one central version and then multiple users can access their own instances without having to interrupt you in any way possible.

Cost Savings

If you want to save yourself a great sum of money than using virtual desktop infrastructure could be your best bet because this technology can help you to reduce the time it takes to develop new desktops, when dealing with the mess of desktop management. Why do some professionals think that maintaining and managing of PC hardware and software is what plummets a digital company to the ground? Because it is true to some extent because this way you would be investing your time and energy to maintain your hardware and you should know that hardware is susceptible to being damaged or going corrupt. This is the inevitability that you would have to bear while maintaining your personal digital settings. With the help of virtual desktop infrastructure, you can take advantage of a data centre’s computing power and storage capabilities.

In this way you won't have to provide with any technical material or computing element whatsoever. This means you will be making contact with the cloud and doing business with it on your own time and on your own terms which is what digital professionals of today would want more than anything.

You would also be saving a lot when it comes to power consumption because using virtual machines uses less power and energy than managing or taking it under your command. A data centre which is the collection of thousands of servers working together to achieve a common goal thus can be overrun by a virtual machine using cloud technology.

Increased security

Another classic addition that you would be making to your personal cloud computing experience is an increase in overall security. Simply means that no cybercriminals or hackers would be able to draw your personal or financial information from the cloud without your say so, because cloud is something that is out of bounds for even the most luscious hackers. Cloud technology is guarded by firewalls and antivirus systems which scan each and every moment of an unauthorized personnel making their way into exploiting your dedicated servers and extracting your information. Therefore, it becomes a less likeability and you can continue to attend to your personal matters in a concise and professional way.

On the other hand, cloud  would also be increasing your overall productivity because there will be no mess of dealing with a large number of PC or computer systems to begin with this is where you would actually be making some money and attending to the potential needs of your business.