The world of cyber security continues to change in a rapid fashion. There is just so much going on in terms of advancements and innovations, giving experts a very hard time to keep track of things. With such rapid changes within the digital world, the cybercriminals and hackers have also grown impatient and more vicious trying everything they can to infiltrate the security of digital conglomerates and businesses. Learning proper cybersecurity basics and application skills has become a necessity for professionals in the field of Information Security, in order to be competent in front of ever-evolving techniques of hackers. If you want to pursue your career as a Security Manager, Online information security training would immensely help you get the latest knowledge and refresh your skillset to better represent your working aptitude before the employers.
Your information as you know it is no longer secure. Is there something that can be done in this situation, or should we be leaving ourselves to the mercy of artificial intelligence to secure our online assets?
As far as cyber security is concerned, you should update yourself on recent technologies and solutions. It becomes important to invest heavily within your security systems to make them last longer when a cyber attack is attempted. But a management body is required to deal with such complications in details. This is where the concept of a security manager comes in. Security manager can best help you design, interpret as well as implement a detailed security architecture which features the very requirements your organization is founded upon. Plus, this professional would help you to set up a clean and concise system of communication to and from various sections of the IT based organization.
Working of the security manager
Management and communication are the two explicit things in a recipe that just can't be extracted out. Without one of these, the recipe would be broken. Security manager can best assess the complicated situations an organization has to face and then devising a concise security plan, turning them into ease. The working of our security manager is not easy at all, since they already have a lot on their plates. That is why a large amount of their time passes giving instructions to their subordinates, putting into effect workshops or seminars, while at the same time overseeing the security related problems their organization is currently facing.
Many times, the security manager would be required to take part in various investigations or to help in assisting the local authorities regarding a particular cyber crime in which their expertise are needed. If you're new to this field and want to pursue a career as a security manager, first of all, you must have a dedicated experience within the realm of IT. Secondly, you must have the right skill set which compliments the job and all of its inner workings that you would be held accountable for. So, it's not only about changing your attitude towards the game but learning the game, being a dedicated player and at the same time thinking two steps ahead of your enemy which are cybercriminals and motivated hackers.
You might also be tasked with safekeeping of data which is belonging either to the corporates, or to the customers. Personal data or financial data, it should be heavily encrypted and secured behind certain authorized plains, only available to the user or an authorized personnel, eradicating the possibility of a cyber breach. To make sure that everything is alright and driving in a forward direction, the security managers would also be tasked with preparing security policies for an organization. But in order to do that the security professionals would first have to analyze each and every corner of the security system the organization is currently using.
After they have found the technical part of the game they would have to analyze if a breach or vulnerability exists within the system, and if it does, certain changes would have to be implemented rather abruptly. This way the managers can change the policies governing the security of consumer data and highlighting if a vulnerability is found within these security systems to the technical and administrative teams.
Prerequisites of becoming the security manager
One of the most basic requirement to become a security manager is to first complete the bachelors degree by the professionals in computer science or any other related IT field specifically in cyber security matrix. Several organizations require more than 5 years of experience from the professionals, and that is where the Masters degree comes into equation. Going for the higher degree course you can earn more and more money but other than that you would also get an increased amount of professional aptitude.
If you are determined to become a security manager, here is a simple guide that will help you know which path to follow. Many people adopt this field after graduating in a completely different area, which is okay since there are many training courses available. If one is passionate about this field, there shouldn’t be any obstacle.
Apart from having basic education, security managers would have to prove their authenticity and their validation in terms of the knowledge which they have acquired over years, including both hard and soft skills. The skills required for this job might include programming skills and working with tactical systems such as servers command networking systems, coding and programming using Python, Ruby, Java or others physical systems such as DNS, VPN and DDOS mitigation technology.
This might include communication, both verbally and physically demonstrating the work to the subordinates and assisting various professionals from different sections of the digital world to help increase the efficiency of the security systems. There are a number of courses available to teach you about different types of threats in the security landscape. One such course is OWASP Threats Fundamentals, that will better help you to provide with detailed insights regarding threat management to improving the current security tactics of the IT industry you are currently working for.