Everything You Need to Know About ITIL Planning, Protection and Optimization (PPO)

If you are planning to excel in the field of IT and service management, ITIL’s Planning, Protection, and Optimization (PPO) course is the right one for you. One of the four courses that candidates can choose from the ITIL cycle courses, ITIL’s PPO course is the most efficient one and mainly functions around the processes while focusing on the various aspects of management in the field of ITIL lifecycle. PPO course (Planning, Protection, and Optimization) usually revolves around the objectives, purpose of the business, nature and role of the service design, the basics of service design, and many more within the jurisdiction of the ITIL Lifecycle.

Besides adhering to these functions, ITIL PPO is also responsible for the design coordination to ensure that companies carefully suffice to the demands and requirements of the clients and work effectively towards the results they desire to be successful in the market. The most important thing to understand over here is that ITIL Planning, Protection, and Optimization course applies to any professional from the business and IT working in the field of management services, architects in IT, practitioners and managers, business relationship managers and various types of service owners.

What Can You Achieve from This Course?

From this course, you will learn and understand the following things:

  • The processes and its functions throughout the different phases of ITIL Lifecycle
  • The basic idea of service management
  • The desire, objective and goals of Capacity Management
  • Objectives of Availability Management
  • Objectives of Demand Management
  • Aims and objectives of IT Service Management and Information Security Management
  • Various technological executions and strategy to execute them in an efficient manner

Let us understand all of these functions in a bit of detail.

Availability Management

Primarily focusing on the processes pertaining to the Availability Management, it also plays an essential role in contributing to the different kinds of PPO practices. Planning, Protection, and Optimization also provide an in-depth view of the scope, objectives, and significance of Availability Management as a complete process to initiate business value. Availability Management is an important aspect of ITIL providing key ITIL training and ITIL certification.

Capacity Management

Capacity Management is all about the processes related to the different kinds of Planning, Protection, and Optimization operations. The period of Lifecycle which crucially focuses in this unit is the Service Design. Besides being a key facilitator in the ITIL PPO, it also facilitates the students with key objectives, nature, and significance of the Availability Management to get more money into the business.

Demand Management

In the ITIL PPO course, the unit of Demand Management covers the aspects of the various types of PPO practices. The nature of Lifecycle defined in this learning unit is the Service Strategy which includes the entire concept of Demand Management, and its linkage with nature, desire and Demand Management as a process, along with the type of activity associated with different business patterns.

IT Service Continuity Management

ITIL PPO also focuses on the ITSCM or IT Service Continuity Management and its relationship with the PPO. This learning unit is all about the objective, nature, and significance of the ITSCM and how it works to promote business value.

Planning and Optimization Responsibilities and Roles

This learning unit is all about responsibilities and service roles that adhere to the different kinds of PPO and its practices. In many kinds of PPO associated areas, the major responsibilities and roles for accomplishing every process are discussed and defined in detail.

Information Security Management

ISM or Information Security Management learning unit discusses how the ISM process plays an important role in PPO practices. Besides being an important player in the ITIL Planning, Protection, and Optimization, it facilitates the students with detailed insights and information regarding the nature and significance of the ISM processes that play an integral role in generating a large amount of value in the business. They are also a key player in ITIL Training and ITIL Certification.

Technology and Execution Considerations

This topic focuses on the technology and execution considerations and how crucial they are to the ITIL PPO. The stage of Lifecycle in this particular learning unit focuses on the Service Operation, Service Design, and Service Transformation. The Service Design is mainly consumed to locate the scenario for technology related to the execution.

Credit System of ITIL Planning, Protection, and Optimization

The credit and scoring system of ITIL is pretty much straight forward, and you require a handful number of credits from every ITIL Training and ITIL Certification to advance into the next level of the course. The Planning, Protection, and Optimization course structure comprise of 4 credit points from the required 17 needed to advance to the MALC (Managing Across Lifecycle) stage, which is known to be the final step before reaching the Expert ITIL level. The points gathered from the PPO course structure may not always be integrated with the points incurred from the IPPI course structure towards the expert level of the ITIL mainly because of the large amount of overlapping of the content.

The following candidates belonging from the different areas of IT would best fit in the PPO course:

  • IT operations manager
  • Relationship manager
  • Security administrator
  • Change manager
  • Network support
  • Service portfolio manager
  • Application support manager
  • Business manager

Unique Advantages of Planning, Protection, and Optimization Module

If you are planning to take the ITIL PPP training module, you will come to an understanding that Planning, Protection, and Optimization is the main part of the stage of Service Design in the ITIL Lifecycle and functions efficiently to meet the clients organizational demands by mutually agreeing on the outcomes the company should attain in order to become successful in the market.

By having an in-depth knowledge of the ITIL PPO in this training module, you will be able to track down the key areas that need urgent care and improvement at the workspace and allow you to modify your existing role for the better; and give you extended support to do your job even better.