Constantly evolving systems, huge data growth, and instant changes in existing needs make data protection an even more challenging task. The expected growth in global data sphere is expected to be between 160 to 180 zettabytes by the year 2025. With this massive surge in growth, it is impractical to expect our conventional data protection methods to fulfill the needs of this growing demand. Data backup and data protection is an integral part of most organizations, and it can sometimes prove to be a tedious task. Both these elements are simply unavoidable because they protect you from malicious or accidental data loss and site or equipment failure. Every business builds and designs its work environment and then assign a team or a person to protect it. For most business, data protection is an additional cost of running a business.
Challenges Faced Due to Conventional Data Protection
In the traditional approach of data protection, data is streamed from your storage to a secondary disk for storage. This data is streamed from the virtual host or application server to backup server where it is often compressed, indexed, and written on a separate device, such as a cloud, a tape drive, or a disk array, in a proprietary format. This method often results in a bottleneck at virtual host or application server. This is the reason why application servers must be deployed and sized with sufficient space so that it can support all these back operations. In a virtualized system, this might result in an extra allocation of resources that are not necessarily used at all times. Investing more in equipment for protection might influence the overall performance of the data environment, which might result in even higher costs.
These are the reasons why businesses should not use a "bolt on" method of data protection but rather employ a system that has a built-in protection protocol within the protection environment. The key to an enhanced method of data protection is to have an infrastructure in place with built-in protection rather than investing in other methods and equipment. Integrating protection in the system will help you scale performance and capacity even more efficiently to avoid the drawbacks of a conventional backup plan. NetApp's integrated data protection system is the solution that your business needs in order to keep up with the evolving business environment.
Protecting Data Using Snapshots
The first step towards protecting your data is frequent and regular snapshots of data, and the best way to do it is through NetApp Snapshot method. A Snapshot is a virtual, read-only copy of your data which is not only space efficient but also very fast to create. It allows you to create over 1000 copies of your data so you can get a lot of recovery points. By employing this method, your data recovery will also be very fast. So fast that it will be almost instantaneous because NetApp does not leave any room for data movement. Only changeable information is written on disks and Snapshots rely mainly on a pointer to share information and data. This allows the system to instantly make data available to be restored. Sometimes you can simply restore a huge amount of data by just moving some pointers in the data system. Since a Snapshot is a read-only copy, there is no change in your data even if you write new information in the production volume.
Instant restore and read-only quality of NetApp Snapshot technology make it the best way of restoring and recovering your data from malicious attacks, such as ransomware and viruses. All you have to do is just restore your data to the last saved safe copy.
How Can NetApp Technologies Save Your Enterprise From A Cyber Security Attack
In today's business environment collection of useful data is very important. This is the reason why the attack on data servers are increasing in numbers. NetApp provides a very comprehensive set of tools that businesses can employ to protect their data from any cyber threat and attack. NetApp technology will help your business achieve the following:
- Minimizing the risk of data theft in case of an attack.
- Identify the persistent threats in advance and defeat them before enhancing further.
- Keeping you informed on how your data is being utilized.
- Keeping your data trusted and protected while also making it accessible.
It will also help you maintain the following:
NetApp have tools that allow encryption and protect multi-tenancy
NetApp has disaster recovery provisions in place that help you recover your data faster from any form of cyber-attack or a natural disaster.
NetApp also maintains the integrity of your data, including IDS (Intrusion Detection System) based storage and fast IAVA conformity.
NetApp Training and Certification
Recruiting employees who have NetApp certification or investing in your staff's NetApp training and certification such as ONTAP data protection and SnapProtect; is going to prove extremely fruitful in the long run. When end users trust you with their information and data, you must take all the measures in order to make sure that their data is safe with you. This is the reason why you need to employ NetApp data protection technology in your business so that you can deal with any kind of cyber-attack without compromising the trust and data of your customers. To ensure that you are using all the NetApp tools and technologies to best serve your customers, you need to hire employees with NetApp training. Data breaches are increasing in number, and they are also becoming more sophisticated. This is the reason why you need to make sure that you take all the necessary steps to save your data as well as your storage centers from data theft or natural disasters and reduce restoration time.
Get in touch with one of our NetApp experts today, to learn more about NetApp certification training modules.