From MTA to MCSE: A Quick How-To for Getting Microsoft Certifications

Anyone looking to excel at and gain more workplace-related technological expertise, can really benefit from Microsoft certifications. People who want a flourishing career can polish their skills and prove their proficiency by enrolling themselves in the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification.

It is important for candidates to know that before they appear for the exams, they have the option of either participating in computer workshops and courses, or self-guided training. Currently, there are no degree requirements for people to enroll in the MOS certification exams.

Important Information

  • Required Degree- Currently, there are no degree requirements. However, the requirements for various positions may vary.
  • Experience- There is no experience required for the certification.
  • Training- You can get trained in the product of your choice.
  • Skills Required- You need to have basic computing skills to get the certifications.
  • Testing Details- The tests are 90 minutes long. You would have to take the test through an authorized Microsoft Test site. These websites give the results almost immediately.
  • Expected Salary- The expected salary for administrative assistants per year is $35,200, whereas the expected salary for paralegals and legal assistants is approximately $52,390 per year.

Why You Need to Get Certified

Here are some of the reasons why you should get certified:

  • In high-growth industries, people who have Microsoft Certifications such as Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) and a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) can earn approximately $16,000 more than their peers.
  • 91% of headhunters consider the certification a part of their criteria to recruit skilled candidates.
  • 71% recruiters hold an IT certification as a requisite for some jobs.
  • 65% employers use the certifications to differentiate between candidates.
  • 65% employers think that IT certifications are needed, which is a 30% increase since 2011.

How to Get Microsoft Certifications

Following is how you can get Microsoft certified.

Step 1: Basic Computing Skills

Before you enroll yourself in a Microsoft certification course, it is recommended that you attain some basic computing skills. Some of the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certifications require basic operating skills and training in Microsoft programs.

Step 2: Select the Certifications

After getting basic computing skills, decide the type of certification that you want. If you want a stellar career in the IT world, it is recommended that you get Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). MCP helps people learn different skills across different Microsoft technologies. Some of the other certifications that you can get include Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD), Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE). If you want to get the basic concepts and learn about databases, software development, and IT infrastructure, you should enroll yourself in Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification. 

There are different certifications for different type of professions. For people who work as writers, it is recommended that they get MOS Word certifications. People who are responsible for creating databases should get MOS Access certification. People responsible for email systems at their workplace will benefit from MOS Outlook certification. People who have cleared all the basic certifications can enroll themselves in Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) Certification.

Step 3: Enroll in Microsoft Office Courses

Once you have decided the certifications, the next step is to enroll yourself in the course. There are a number of institutions and training centers that cater to skill levels such as basic, intermediate, and advanced.

Step 4: Get the Training You Require

You can either take online training classes, go for in-person training, or download relevant material from the internet for free.

Step 5: Schedule the Exam.

Once you are confident that you have the information, it is time to schedule the exam and get the certification. The exams are 90 minutes long and you get results a few minutes after finishing. You can take the exam from the comfort of your own home or can go to a testing center, although there are certain exams that can only be administered through centers authorized by Microsoft.

The exam questions are such that they give applicants a task that must be completed using tools within the software program.

If you pass the exam, you will be given the MOS certification almost immediately through email. People who fail the exam will have to retake the exam.

Tips for Passing the Exam

Here are some tips that will help you to pass the exam:

  • Make sure you study well because Microsoft exams can be pretty challenging.
  • Get good study material from authentic sources.
  • Make sure that you make notes from your study material, as it will help you retain the information.
  • Keep practicing until you feel that you are ready to take the exam.
  • Relax during the exam especially if you come across a question that is tough.
  • Make sure that you manage your time well.

The versatility of Microsoft’s offered certifications makes them a useful asset for anyone in the IT industry, or the corporate world at large. They are a very beneficial skill to have in your repertoire and can potentially streamline most organizational tasks. Check out our wide array of Microsoft certifications and select the ones that will benefit you the most.