
actionable steps for workforce planning
August 09, 2023

Workforce Planning: Actionable Steps toward Optimizing Your Team

Workforce planning is about understanding the current state of your workforce and forecasting its future needs. It involves an intricate analysis of the supply and demand of talent, aiming to align the skills and availability of employees with the ever-changing requirements of the business.

How To Rank Project Priority In Your Organization
May 11, 2022

How To Rank Project Priority In Your Organization

Let’s start with a rule of thumb: If you’ve feel as though everything is under control, there's likely an alarm going off somewhere.

Planning the IT Workforce with CompTIA
April 24, 2020

Planning the IT Workforce with CompTIA

CompTIA is a leading IT company founded in the year 1982. The Computing Technology Industry Association is a charitable organization that provides professional certifications for information technology. The company provides certification to 120 companies around the globe. CompTIA certifications are categorized into four levels. The four levels are basic, professional, master, and specialty.

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