Certified Penetration Testing Professional

The (CPENT) course is designed for cybersecurity professionals, ethical hackers, security consultants, and anyone interested in acquiring advanced skills in conducting penetration tests and assessing the security of computer systems and networks. It is a comprehensive course that equips professionals with the skills and knowledge to identify vulnerabilities, exploit them, and enhance overall security through penetration testing.

  • Learning Style Virtual
  • Provider EC-Council
  • Difficulty Intermediate
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Certified Penetration Testing Professional Instructor Led Training
Virtual Classroom

The (CPENT) course is designed for cybersecurity professionals, ethical hackers, security consultants, and anyone interested in acquiring advanced skills in conducting penetration tests and assessing the security of computer systems and networks. It is a comprehensive course that equips professionals with the skills and knowledge to identify vulnerabilities, exploit them, and enhance overall security through penetration testing.

About This Course

The Certified Penetration Testing Professional (CPENT) course is a rigorous and multidisciplinary program that provides hands-on training in a wide range of crucial skills for effective penetration testing. Unlike traditional courses, CPENT focuses on performing penetration tests across filtered networks, covering advanced Windows attacks, Internet of Things (IoT) and Operational Technology (OT) systems, filtered network bypass techniques, exploit writing, privilege escalation, and binary exploitation. The course is designed to bridge the gaps in skills that many penetration testing professionals have across multiple disciplines, enabling them to perform well even in complex network environments.

The C|PENT course aims to train professionals to become highly skilled penetration testers capable of tackling complex and varied targets, providing real-world experience and challenges to enhance their penetration testing abilities.

Course Objectives:

  • Advanced Windows Attacks

  • Attacking IoT Systems

  • Writing Exploits: Advanced Binaries Exploitation

  • Bypassing A Filtered Network

  • Pentesting Operational Technology (OT)

  • Access Hidden Networks with Pivoting

  • Double Pivoting

  • Privilege Escalation

  • Evading Defense Mechanisms

  • Attack Automation with Scripts

  • Build Your Armory: Weaponize Your Exploits

  • Write Professional Reports


  • Ethical Hackers / Penetration Testers / Security Testers

  • Network Server Administrators / Firewall Administrators / System Administrators

  • Risk Assessment Professionals / Information Security Consultants

  • Cybersecurity Forensic Analysts / Cyberthreat Analysts

  • Cloud Security Analysts / Application Security Analysts

  • Cybersecurity Assurance Engineers / Information Security Engineers

  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Analysts / Network Security Engineers

  • Network Security Penetration Testers / Network Security Architects


There are no specific prerequisites for the CPENT exam, but this is not an entry-level certification. We recommend that candidates for this training and certification have at least a couple of years experience in IT and cybersecurity, and have CEH certification or equivalent.

Course Details

  • Certified Penetration Testing Professional Instructor Led Training

    Certified Penetration Testing Professional Instructor Led Training

    The (CPENT) course is designed for cybersecurity professionals, ethical hackers, security consultants, and anyone interested in acquiring advanced skills in conducting penetration tests and assessing the security of computer systems and networks. It is a comprehensive course that equips professionals with the skills and knowledge to identify vulnerabilities, exploit them, and enhance overall security through penetration testing.

Course Outline

Team Training

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At Quickstart our Team Training combines the benefits of individual employee development with tailored solutions specifically designed for team dynamics, amplifying the overall impact. This personalized approach ensures that teams acquire the specific skills and knowledge required to excel collectively, promoting a unified and proficient workforce.

We offer a range of online IT programs that cover various topics, such as cybersecurity, data science, machine learning, cloud computing, web development, and more. Our online IT programs are designed to deliver high-quality content and instruction from experts in the field, interactive and engaging learning activities and assessments, practical and relevant examples and case studies, and hands-on projects and labs to apply the skills learned.

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    Tailored Content to meet specific learning objectives Flexible Scheduling Accelerated learning by focusing on the most critical skills
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    Centralized Learning Hub Tailor Learning paths and content based on job roles, departments, or individual employee needs. Real time tracking and reporting Global Accessibility Manager Mode
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  • Our Training

    Quickstart team training mirrors the advantages of traditional instructor-led sessions, featuring structured courses, practical insights, and peer collaboration. Delve into confidential discussions and sensitive information, with only team members present. In this unique setting, participants are colleagues with shared workplace objectives and responsibilities, influencing team success collaboratively.

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