Practice Exam - 220-1002: CompTIA A+
This intermediate-level 30 Minutes 220-1002 Practice Exam is specifically designed for IT Enthusiasts and Candidates striving to pursue a professional career in the niche of Information Technology.
This intermediate-level 30 Minutes 220-1002 Practice Exam is specifically designed for IT Enthusiasts and Candidates striving to pursue a professional career in the niche of Information Technology.
More Information:
- Learning Style: On Demand
- Provider: CompTIA
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Course Duration: 30 Min
- Course Info: Download PDF
- Certificate: See Sample
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Course Information
About this Exam:
This intermediate-level 30 Minutes 220-1002 Practice Exam is specifically designed for IT Enthusiasts and Candidates striving to pursue a professional career in the niche of Information Technology. This practice exam accredits the skills and knowledge of an IT Professional in working with both Computer Software & Hardware.
The CompTIA A+ Certification also validates the proficiency of the professionals relating to Personal Computer or Business Enterprise Computer’s Installations, Maintenance, Customization, and Operations. The 220-1001 Certification Exam is the last of the two essentials exams for professionals striving to attain the CompTIA A+ Certification. The other exam is the 220-1001 Certification Exam.
The CompTIA A+ Certification is perfect for IT Enthusiasts and candidates who are looking to successfully land entry-level jobs as an IT Technician. This course helps professionals pave their way to professional career success in the realm of Information Technology.
In addition to this, professionals with CompTIA A+ Certification can also successfully attain IT Jobs as a Help Desk Support Officer and Technician. This entry-level certification opens doors to many diversified career paths for IT Enthusiasts and professionals striving to pursue a career in the world of Information Technology.
Course Objectives:
The primary objective of this practice exam is to train and prepare professionals for success in the 220-1002: CompTIA A+ Certification Exam. The 220-1002 is the last of the two obligatory certification exams for professionals striving to attain the CompTIA A+ Certification.
This practice exam is specifically tailored for the following group of professionals and interested candidates:
- Candidates with Familiarity of Computers and PC
- Professionals striving for Entry-Level IT Technician & Professional Jobs
Professionals planning to enroll in the Practice Exam – 220-1002: CompTIA A+ must comply with the following prerequisites:
- Fundamental Knowledge of Computer and Microsoft Windows Operating System
- Basic Know-how of Internet, Browsing, and Key Computing Concepts
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