5 Cybersecurity Certifications That Will Get You Hired


5 Cybersecurity Certifications That Will Get You Hired

It isn't just the outside world that isn't safe anymore. Crime has increased everywhere, including the electronic space. Cyberattacks are one of the fastest-growing crimes worldwide, with global brands as well as small companies being everyday victims of the bad guys.

You'll wonder what it is that drives the need to invade others' privacy and steal information. The fact is, data is a big deal for advertisements, and if you have it, you can trade it for large financial gains. There's also the hunger to hurt or hijack platforms to request a ransom or to make a statement for activism.

The adoption of cloud technology and mobile devices has also increased the commonness of cyberattacks since these spots hold a lot of raw data that can be harnessed by the bad guys.

With each data breach, fear and the demand for security increase by the day, hence the need for companies to hire security experts to tackle the menace in real-time. As an IT enthusiast, getting a cybersecurity certification can increase your value and make employers seek to hire you first before other competitors. Here are 5 Cybersecurity certifications that will get you hired fast:

  1. Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

The process of infiltrating a system to take over it or for any other purpose without having the legal right is what hacking is. To stop hackers, you must have the skill to do the same. The only difference will be in your moral standing that differentiates you from the bad guys and what they do.

Certified Ethical Hackers are trained to find faults in systems and rectify them through various testing methods. The class teaches the skills you will need to break through security frameworks as hackers do.

This CEH course will also take you through the coverage of the latest vulnerabilities and what to do in the case of a breakout. Often certified ethical hackers use a penetrative testing method to hack into a network without stealing information. They inform network owners of vulnerabilities and go on to create solutions that work.

According to Payscale, certified ethical hackers earn over $91000 as a mean annual salary.

  1. Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP)

If you seek employment in job offers that request knowledge in access control, cryptography, telecommunications, and networking, the certified information system security professional certification offers you expertise in those domains.

Most companies will require CISSP as a base requirement for network security experts. It is also a must-have for those hoping to move into a chief security officer position.

Becoming a CISSP does not require that you check in with a specific vendor. The base salary of a professional in this field is $150000 annually.

  1. CompTIA Security+

Are you looking to gain relevant security knowledge? CompTIA Security + will equip you with strong foundational needs to further develop your cybersecurity skillset if you choose to in the future. CompTIA is a base-level certification for professionals who are new to the cybersecurity niche.

With two years of on-the-job experience, you automatically qualify to enroll for the course. The course intends to give you confidence in the elements of effective security, network attack strategies and defense, encryption standards, business continuity, and disaster recovery.

CompTIA is a widely respected certification that is suitable for a different range of professionals from application developers to PC support analysts, and accounting managers.

  1. Certified Information System Auditor

Auditing is a quintessential part of information technology, especially when dealing with big data. Most companies like Facebook and Uber require the service of auditors to manage information and protect information assets.

The CISA certification will get you hired easily since auditing data on a large to seek for vulnerabilities and provide on scale solutions is what every fortune 500 company is currently seeking.

  1. NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NSCF)

NSCF certifications are built around the 2014 NSCF framework. A year later, over 30% of organizations in the United States in the enterprise, the public sector, and some have already adopted the NSCF framework.

Having the NIST Cybersecurity Framework certification equips you with the knowledge to build, manage, and test cybersecurity programs using the NSCF framework.

The NCSF framework is designed into three programs to accommodate different levels of professionals.

NSCF Foundation Certification

As the name implies, the NSCF foundational certification intends to introduce the NSCF framework to professionals at the beginner level. The design covers IT persons whose desire is to understand the generic overview of the framework for basic performances and understanding of the NSCF library of vocabulary.

NSCF Practitioner Certification

This program is for professionals who wish to dive deeper into the NSCF framework. It teaches how to create robust NSCF cybersecurity programs beaming in complexity and elite-level efficiency.

The practitioner certification will set you up for a superior NSCF framework, so you get to minimize risk and protect critical organizational assets.

Businesses around the globe have come to understand the essence of having a cybersecurity team that is proactive and able to see loopholes before an attack takes place. This knowledge has not, however, changed many operational routines since most of these companies still do not have the adequate structure to prevent incoming attacks.

Despite the lackluster catching up, the continual cyber threat is causing companies to go out of their way to seek the help of security experts. New trends of threats are being unveiled every day, and organizations either hire personnel who can protect them against attacks or risk the possibility of losing 66% of their clients according to a report by Centrify.

Having any of the certifications above can be your gateway to becoming the respected security expert who brings solution-driven approaches to these technological problems. These certifications will also equip you with foundational and mid-level skills that are required to possess a solid base for future skills that will be necessary to solve future security problems.

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