IT Roles That Are on Verge of Extension


IT Roles That Are on Verge of Extension

The IT industry has changed completely, it is not what it used to be before. When the innovation was not the primary concern for the IT professionals and manual input was important to sort out day to day digital mess, many new job titles regarding IT did make their debut into the market. But with the advancements that are taking place and the speed at which things are moving on these job roles are either minimal or not present at all. It is expected that certain IT jobs would go extinct sooner than later all thanks to AI, machine learning, the concept of agility, automation and brightly speaking there are just too many to quote here.

It was a necessary evil; going through the advancements within the tech industry because it was the need of the hour and then it started to show a window for the profits, battling current cyber challenges and formulating an even brighter future so professionals kept it around and continued to work with innovation. But it is not like it was hidden in any way, everyone knew that sooner or later those automated algorithms and scripted systems will be taking over the jobs of the normal people and will start to replace them.    

Digital communication systems that we have around today are more efficient at processing, storage as well as the transport of the information and it has nothing to do with morals or ethics of kicking extra employees out, it simply allows the companies to operate at a greater scale and with much more efficiency than ever before. Following are some of the jobs that are on the verge of extinction and might not be up for any more job openings in the upcoming years;

Operate IT System

There are various work IT systems and programs out there that allow the individuals to stay efficient when working in an office. Before these were all automated and working according to the keystrokes that the user was making these systems were controlled and managed by other human beings. There was no concept of spreadsheets, people use to fill in the data in respective columns of dedicated activity. Word processor applications and statistical evaluation software and the CAD designs are all new concepts before these everything was done manually without the added help of the software systems.

Workers can now use these sophisticated technologies to get piles and piles of work done in a matter of minutes which used to take hours or weeks on end to get through. This is how fast the It industry is, this is what evolution feels like, the survival of the fittest and extinction of the weakest.

Read more: The Role Of Computer Security Incident Response Teams In The Software Development Life Cycle

Network IT Systems

Before sophisticated communication systems and apps could be developed all of the meetings used to take place using manual setups. But with the advancements of technology such as the introduction of the email systems, wiki websites, and instant messaging there was a sudden shift of barriers that existed for both inside and outside communication regarding a particular organization. All the barriers were revoked and with this sudden betterment of communication other elements also started to come into shape.

Workers can now cooperate with each other at a better note and come around to help each other whenever there is trouble or some problem within the development or operations of a tool or systems that need to be sorted out.

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Managed IT Systems

It can be defined as the planned programs that were designed to process data and then transform that data that was processed into some valuable information that can be further used for the management related decisions. MIS is the subset of the business IT systems and machine learning, as well as AI, is being deployed here to do the heavy lifting, it means that before this technology even existed there were some people who used to do all of it manually without any added help from the computers or other scripted programs.

With multiple advancements done to the cybersecurity and IT systems the introduction of robotics is yet to have a dreadful impact over snatching the jobs of other professionals who are working for various IT sections and consider their jobs safe and secure. Many people with the automotive industry have lost their jobs for aligning various parts of the motors, doing paint jobs, and testing of the vehicles. Now robots have taken their place and they don't require to be paid for the hours they put in and you can have them working 24/7 without any breaks, and talking about the efficiency of the factory it is simply amazing.

It would be high as a roller coaster? Do you see any benefit to the people who lost their jobs here and any loss to the industry who have hired these robots? The answer to both of these questions is No, and it should fire some other burning questions in your mind.

If you want to work up and entry-level job then it is recommended that you try your luck with a+ certification and to do so you must have effective A+ certification training. 

Connect with our experts to discuss your career goals and best suitable certifications for a rewarding career in information security.

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