How Office 365 Training and Certification will Benefit IT Managers

How Office 365 Training and Certification will Benefit IT Managers

How Office 365 Training and Certification will Benefit IT Managers

IT managers have to dig into what the technology business demands. Times have changed, and businesses look ahead to create endless possibilities. This increases the pressure on IT managers to provide what businesses envision. How do IT managers ensure they are able to attain these countless benefits for the businesses they work for? The answer is Office 365 training. With training, IT experts can help increase the productivity and efficiency of their businesses.

Let’s look below how office 365 training and certification can benefit IT managers.

Work Desk at Home

One thing that we hear all corporate giants talk about is how their employees are able to work from just about anywhere. Whether it was the Virgin Atlantic that had its employees working from airports and different regions of the world or whether it was Shell - the international energy giant - we saw that through Office 365, their IT managers were able to integrate various apps in their systems. IT managers can see ahead and customize apps as per their requirement suiting to the agile work environments.

As Cincinnati Children’s Hospital puts it they did not want the relatives of their patients worrying about a parking pass when their loved ones are in dire need of medical care. IT managers will find the solutions within Office 365 just like these entities did. Office 365 lets you operate with the world online even when you are not at your desk. All that is required is internet connection and professionals are good to go. The cloud base allows access to all the files, programs and emails from any location whatsoever. The type of device that you own also does not matter any longer be it Android, Mac or iOS or a Window device.

Reduced Costs

A manager’s biggest concern is to keep costs at a minimum. Office 365 lets IT managers keep costs at bay. Office 365 is a facility that is subscription based and so IT managers can choose to pay monthly or annually depending upon the budget of the business. It is also comparatively less expensive to other cloud-based programs, and it does not require a business to make huge investments for software or other things. All in all, it is a good deal for IT managers as it shifts the costs from capital expenditure towards operating.

Regular Upgrade

Office 365 has regular updates, so IT managers do not have to worry about being up-to-date. As mentioned above, there are no continuous investment, which saves IT managers from fretting over attaining latest versions. The Office 365 updates on its own and so it also saves managers from concerns regarding the manual upgrade of their software. Microsoft is a platform which its customers trust a lot, and it regularly comes up with features and capabilities that can be utilized by its users right after they are introduced. The best part is that everyone is using the same version and so there aren’t compatibility issues to deal with anymore.

Team Collaboration

Another important concern for a manager is to make sure that the members of his team are all on the same page with the work that they are doing. Whether its presentations or any other task they are working on collaboration is a one really important factor. With Office 365 IT managers can now let go of concerns regarding employee participation as everyone can equally become a part of work tasks with the opportunities that Office 365 provides for collaboration.

The chances are not just for people from the same, but various departments can now not only be kept in the loop but made to contribute on tasks in a project. Create, share and edit work in real time on the same version rather than producing many edited versions of the original. With the help of online chats, IT managers can sync all team members and send reminders through shared calendars.


As an IT manager, one has a lot of pressure regarding the safeguarding of the organization’s data, but Office 365 has got your back. Microsoft allows its owners to view and control the access of visitors to the data. Not just that even when you call in an engineer to resolve an issue, you can make sure what you reveal and what you don’t. The security at Office 365 encompasses layers with which only authorized personnel are allowed to pass.


Ever heard of the IT department contributing to the savings of the organization? Well, Office 365 lets you make that contribution. Once your organization makes the transition to Office 365 according to a hypothetical calculation, it boosts in productivity by 70 percent and at the same time saves up to 30 percent. The savings are not just limited to money but as they say, time is money, estimates provided by an organization reveal employees attained a 2.5 hour faster work rate with Office 365.


IT managers can thoroughly benefit from O365 training as the O365 certification offers not a couple but various benefits that can help them right from the reduction of costs to secure collaboration and take off concerns such as regular investments in software upgrades. So if you are an IT manager who has to increase productivity, or ensure data security, at the same time not let go of connection within team members, Office 365 is what you need. Not just that how much a team member participates is also under your watch with the system showing contribution.

Get in touch with our experts today and learn more about your options. 

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