Certification Exam Prep Questions For AWS Solutions Architect Certification - Associate Level (CT001AC)

QuickStart is now offering assessment questions for AWS Solutions Architect Certification - Associate Level (CT001AC). Whether you are deciding which exam to sign up for, or simply want to practice the materials necessary to complete certification for this course, we have provided a practice assessment to better aid in certification. 100% of the questions are real questions; from a recent version of the test you will take for AWS Solutions Architect Certification - Associate Level (CT001AC).



You plan to build a set of EBS-optimized EC2 instances for a new application. Because of security compliance, your company has asked you to encrypt root volume which is utilized in booting the instances. How can you achieve this?


Organization XYZ is planning to build an online chat application for their enterprise level collaboration for their employees across the world. They are looking for a single digit latency fully managed database to store and retrieve conversations. Which AWS Database service you recommend?

B. AWS Redshift
C. AWS DynamoDB
D. AWS Aurora

When creating an AWS CloudFront distribution, which of the following is not an origin?

A. AWS Lambda
B. Elastic Load Balancer
C. AWS S3 bucket
D. AWS MediaPackage channel endpoint

Which of the following statements are true with respect to VPC? (choose multiple)


Enterprise X has a customer base in Australia and US, that would be downloading dozens of large files from your application. To provide a download experience, they decided to use AWS S3 bucket with cross-region replication with the Australia as source and the US as the destination. They are using existing unused S3 buckets and had setup cross-region replication successfully. However, when files uploaded to US bucket, they are not being replicated to Australia bucket. Which of the following could be the reason for this?


Which of the following is not a category in AWS Trusted Advisor service checks?

A. Network Optimization
B. Cost Optimization
C. Fault Tolerance
D. Service Limits

Your company is building a collaboration platform for which they chose AWS EC2 for web and application servers and MySQL RDS instance as the database. Due to the nature of the traffic to the application, they would like to increase the number of connections to RDS instance. How can this be achieved?


You will be launching and terminating EC2 instances on need basis for your workloads. You need to run some shell scripts and perform certain checks connecting to AWS S3 bucket when the instance is getting launched. Which of the following options will allow performing any tasks during launch? (choose multiple)


Your company has an AWS setup and is planning to construct Single Sign-On for users to authenticate with on-premise Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) as well as allow users log to in to AWS console using AWS STS Enterprise Identity Federation. Which service (as follows) do you need to call from AWS STS service after you authenticate with your on-premise?

A. GetFederationToken
B. AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
C. AssumeRoleWithSAML
D. GetCallerIdentity

How many VPCs can an Internet Gateway be attached to at any given time?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. By default 1. But it can be attached to any VPC peered with its belonging VPC.

Your company was planning to develop a web application on AWS EC2. Application admin was tasked to complete the AWS setup required to spin EC2 instance inside an existing private VPC. He/she has created a subnet and wants to ensure no other subnets in the VPC can communicate with your subnet except for the specific IP address. So he/she created a new route table and associated with the new subnet. When he/she was trying to delete the route with the target as local, there is no option to delete the route. What could be the reason for this behavior?


Which of the following are not backup and restore solutions provided by AWS? (choose multiple)

A. AWS CloudFormation
B. AWS Storage Gateway
C. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
D. AWS Database Migration Hub

Enterprise A needs to send emails to several users from their application deployed on EC2 instance in a private VPC. Email receivers will not be IAM users. You will be using AWS Simple Email Service and configured from email address. You are using AWS SES API to send emails from your EC2 instance to multiple users. However, email sending is failing. Which of the following options is the reason?


You have configured AWS S3 event notification to send a message to AWS Simple Queue Service whenever an object is deleted. You are performing ReceiveMessage API operation on the AWS SQS queue to receive the S3 delete object message onto AWS EC2 instance. For any successful message operations, you are deleting them from the queue. For failed operations, you are not deleting the messages. You have created a retry mechanism which re-runs the application every 5 minutes for failed RecieveMessage operations. However, you are not receiving the messages again during the re-run. What is the reason for this?


You had created an internal HTTP(S) Elastic Load Balancer to route requests to two EC2 instances inside a private VPC. However, one of the target EC2 instances is showing an Unhealthy status. Which of the following options is not a reason for this?


You have launched an RDS instance with MySQL database with default configuration for your file sharing application to store all of the transactional information. Because of security compliance, your organization wants to encrypt all the storage and databases on the cloud. They approached you to perform this activity on your MySQL RDS database. How can this be achieved?


Which of the following is an AWS component that consumes your VPC resources?

A. Internet Gateway
B. Gateway VPC Endpoints
C. NAT Gateway
D. Elastic IP Addresses

You have successfully set up a VPC peering connection in your account between two VPCs – VPC A and VPC B, each in a different region. When you are trying to make a request from VPC A to VPC B, request getting failed. Which of the following could be a reason?

Practice Exam - AWS Solutions Architect Certification

QuickStart is now offering you assessment questions to better aid in certification. 100% of the questions are real questions from a recent version of the test you will take.
QuickStart is now offering you assessment questions to better aid in certification. 100% of the questions are real questions from a recent version of the test you will take.

More Information:

  • Learning Style: On Demand
  • Learning Style: Practice Exam
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Course Duration: 1 Hour
  • Course Info: Download PDF
  • Certificate: See Sample

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Course Information

QuickStart is now offering assessment questions for AWS Solutions Architect Certification - Associate Level (CT001AC). Whether you are deciding which exam to sign up for, or simply want to practice the materials necessary to complete certification for this course, we have provided a practice assessment to better aid in certification. 100% of the questions are real questions; from a recent version of the test you will take for AWS Solutions Architect Certification - Associate Level (CT001AC).



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