Certification Exam Prep Questions For
AWS Developer Certification - Associate Level (CT002AC)
QuickStart is now offering assessment questions for AWS Developer Certification - Associate Level (CT002AC). Whether you are deciding which exam to sign up for, or simply want to practice the materials necessary to complete certification for this course, we have provided a practice assessment to better aid in certification. 100% of the questions are real questions; from a recent version of the test you will take for AWS Developer Certification - Associate Level (CT002AC).
What is used in S3 to enable client web applications that have been loaded in a single domain to interact with resources of the different domain?
- A. Public Object Permissions
- B. Public ACL Permissions
- C. CORS Configuration
- D. None of the above
Is the default visibility timeout for an SQS queue 1 minute?
When a failure occurs during stack creation in Cloudformation, does a rollback occur?
An administrator is getting an error while trying to create a new bucket in S3? You feel that bucket limit has been crossed. What is the bucket limit per account in AWS?
Which of the below functions is used in Cloudformation to retrieve an object from a set of objects?
Which of the following functions is used in Cloudformation to append a set of values into a single value?
What is the maximum size of an item that corresponds to a single write capacity unit? (While creating an index or table in Amazon DynamoDB, it is required to specify the capacity requirements for the read and write activity)?
What can be used in DynamoDB as a part of the Query API call for the filtration of results based on the primary keys’ values?
Can a global secondary index create at the same time as the table creation?
What in AWS can be used to restrict access to SWF?
An IT admin has enabled long polling in their SQS queue. What must be done for long polling to be enabled in SQS?
- B. Create a dead letter queue
- C. Set the message size to 256KB
As per the IAM decision logic, what is the first step of access permissions for any resource in AWS?
- A. An explicit deny
- B. An allow
- C. A default deny
- D. An explicit allow
Which API call is used to Bundle an Amazon instance store-backed Windows instance?
- A. AllocateInstance
- B. CreateImage
- C. ami-register-image
- D. BundleInstance
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- Practice Exam - AWS Developer Certification - Associate Level
Practice Exam - AWS Developer Certification - Associate Level
More Information:
- Learning Style: On Demand
- Learning Style: Practice Exam
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Course Duration: 1 Hour
- Course Info: Download PDF
- Certificate: See Sample
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