Python for Starters: Why Does Python Look the Way it Does?


Python is a programming language that is procreated to crack some of the complex codes into more readable ones. Python is the most used programming language in the IT sector, however; if you're starting to learn Python for Data Science , you may feel overwhelmed by looking at some of the codes.

You may feel out of the place at first and compile a lot of questions in the back of your head such as what is the purpose of spaces between several characters while others are devoid of any spaces? Why does a part of the code appear to be colored? Why some of the lines are broken in between? However, in this article, we will cover every question one by one and make your path easier to learn Python.

What is the Purpose of Spaces between Several Characters?

The spaces present between some of the characters provides the ability to read the text quite easily. These spaces present do not affect the overall credibility of the code instead it just provides a greater understanding of the code. The spaces will only be visible to the human eyes, the computer will be unable to contemplate it.

 This must be kept in mind that these spaces are not necessary for the seamless working of the code, instead, as mentioned earlier, these spaces only make the code easier to depict and these spaces appear in signs such as '=' and '+'.

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Why Does a Part of the Code Appear to be colored?

A code consists of various sections and platforms on which you have to work on. Therefore, to make it easier, different sections of the code are highlighted in different colors. This is primarily done to aid us in distinguishing between the sectors that are important to be remembered from the ones that don't hold any significant importance. However, these colors don't affect the smooth running of the codes whenever they are entered into the systems.

Let us take an example that if you write code on a notepad that consists of a white background. On the other hand, you write code on one of the code platforms where some of the parts appear colored, the computer analyzes both the codes in the same manner. Thus, just as the spaces, the colored parts enable us to read the codes more clearly.

 As you proceed forward to learn more about Python, you will get familiar with which color represents which part of the code. For example, the red color may represent the numerical figures present in the code while yellow may represent the spaces. However, a point to be noted here is that the colors given to the different sections are not universal and it may be different in different organizations.

What is the Purpose of Blank Lines?

The purpose of the blank lines is the same as that of the spaces and coloring of different sections of the code. The blank line provides us to read the whole code with more understanding and to grasp all of its sections with high reliability. Blank lines can help us separate the important sections of the code which will be easier to depict in the future.

Just like with the spaces and the coloring, the blank lines between the texts will not have any effect on the running of the codes. Moreover, the program in which this code is running will continue to execute without any interruption.

Is Capitalization Important to Run Python?

Python is the language that is referred to as a ''case-sensitive'' programming language so yes, capitalization holds extreme importance for the smooth running of the Python. If there isn't any capitalization in the code, the program will give us an error, informing us that the code is not correct.

For example, for Python GOOGLE, Google, and google are three different terms just as Google is different from Facebook. So, if you write learn_dataanalytics, you will receive an error whereas if you write Learn_DataAnalytics, the program will run in the forward direction.

Why are there so Many Lines to Type a Single Code?

As humans, we can read and understand what a single line means in the code whereas the computers need step by step sequence to completely depict the code. That is why there are breaks present in each sentence to provide sequential instructions to the computer to make them do their job more efficiently. Let us take an example of how to start writing.

  1. Grab a pencil.
  2. Grab a paper.
  3. Start writing.

Now, in the above-mentioned example, there is a sequence present to do a job, and in the same way, it is important to provide a logical arrangement for the computers.

It's Time to Make Your Own Code!

By the end of this article, you may understand all the parts of code and why does it look that way. Now, it is time to practically apply this knowledge and make your own code to develop enhanced Python skills. Check out our Python Certifications which encapsulates an entire course to learn Python along with various assignments and projects to make you a master of this programming language.

 If you are starting from scratch and you have no idea what Python is then these certifications are the right place to start from. This is because these certifications will help you acquire all the knowledge and information that you need to make a promising career in the IT world.