Querying Data with Microsoft Transact-SQL (DP-080T00)

This is a comprehensive course designed to equip learners with the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively query and retrieve data using the Transact-SQL language hin the Microsoft SQL Server environment. It can be valuable for anyone who needs to write basic SQL or Transact-SQL queries.
Select Upcoming Date
  • Mar 10, 2025 - Mar 11, 2025
    2 Days - Live Online - PST
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM PST
    Guaranteed To Run
  • Jun 02, 2025 - Jun 03, 2025
    2 Days - Live Online - PST
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM PST
    Guaranteed To Run
  • Aug 25, 2025 - Aug 26, 2025
    2 Days - Live Online - PST
    08:00 AM - 04:00 PM PST
    Guaranteed To Run
This is a comprehensive course designed to equip learners with the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively query and retrieve data using the Transact-SQL language hin the Microsoft SQL Server environment. It can be valuable for anyone who needs to write basic SQL or Transact-SQL queries.

More Information:

  • Learning Style: Virtual
  • Provider: Microsoft
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Course Duration: 2 Days
  • Course Info: Download PDF
  • Certificate: See Sample

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Course Information

If you enroll in this course at the listed price, you receive a Free Official Exam Voucher  for the DP-080 Exam. This course does not include Exam Voucher if enrolled within the Master Subscription, however, you can request to purchase the Official Exam Voucher separately.

About this Course:

This course will teach the basics of Microsoft's dialect of the standard SQL language: Transact-SQL. Topics include both querying and modifying data in relational databases that are hosted in Microsoft SQL Server-based database systems, including: Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and, Azure Synapse Analytics.

Course Objectives:

  • Use SQL Server query tools
  • Write SELECT statements to retrieve columns from one or more tables
  • Sort and filter selected data


This course can be valuable for anyone who needs to write basic SQL or Transact-SQL queries. This includes anyone working with data as a data analyst, a data engineer, a data scientist, a database administrator or a database developer. It can also be useful for others peripherally involved with data, or wanting to learn more about working with data such as solution architects, students and technology managers.


There are no prerequisites for this course.


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