Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration (RH403VT)
This course is designed with an emphasis on the management of the software development life cycle of a subscribed host via the use of Red Hat Satellite.
This course is designed with an emphasis on the management of the software development life cycle of a subscribed host via the use of Red Hat Satellite.
More Information:
- Learning Style: Virtual
- Technology: Red Hat
- Difficulty: Advanced
- Course Duration: 5 Days
- Course Info: Download PDF
- Certificate: See Sample
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Course Information
About this Course:
Before going into the details of this particular course, let us take a look at Red Hat. Basically, Red Hat is an American software company which has its offices in multiple countries all over the globe . Red Hat was originally founded in 1993 and has its headquarters in Raleigh in the state of North Carolina.
As technology takes over the world , almost all industries are becoming more and more reliant on the latest tech as an integral part of their day to day operations . Red Hat has become widely popular and a red hat systems administrator usually earns up to $72,762 per year as per an estimate.
This course is designed with an emphasis on the management of the software development life cycle of a subscribed host via the use of Red Hat Satellite. Participants will also be trained to configure the aforementioned software development lifecycle. This course will also focus on the methods and techniques required to provision hosts integrated with software and Puppet configuration management upon deployment.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, the students should be have learnt the following skills and be able to;
- Learn how to efficiently install Red Hat Satellite 6.
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of Red Hat network organizations, locations, users and roles.
- Learn how to effectively manage software with Red Hat Satellite environments and content views.
- Gain the skills needed to design tailored RPM packages.
- Learn how Red Hat Satellite can be used to configure hosts with Puppet.
- Understand the concept of provisioning hosts with integrated software and configuration management and implement it.
- Learn how to execute Metal-as-a-Service (MaaS) with Satellite discovery and provisioning of unprovisioned hosts.
This course is targeted towards the following audience;
- Those Senior Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators whose job title requires them to be responsible for the management of multiple servers
These are the prerequisites which are an absolute requirement for attending this course.
- A Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) certification is strongly recommended or equivalent experience.
- A minimum of 5 year experience working with Red Hat Satellite .
Suggested prerequisite course:
The following courses are suggested to be taken prior to attending this course
- Red Hat System Administration I (RH124)
- Red Hat System Administration II (Virtual Training) (RH134VT-EC)