QuickStart’s Upgraded Online Software Engineering Bootcamp: Develop Coding and Website Building Skills


QuickStart’s Upgraded Online Software Engineering Bootcamp: Develop Coding and Website Building Skills

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 25% nationwide growth rate for software engineering roles through 2032. That’s a growth rate much higher than the average across all American occupations, one that underscores the growing importance of software engineering across nearly every industry.

At QuickStart, we upgraded our software engineering bootcamp with one goal in mind: to prepare the next generation of software engineers and coding experts with the skills they’ll need to thrive.

Our software engineering program offers immersive training in the top skills employers look for when hiring a software engineering professional. These skills include basic principles of engineering, including the software development lifecycle. We also teach concepts like data structures and algorithms, plus basics in designing and developing websites. You’ll learn front-end and back-end web development, useful for both technical and non-technical career switchers and IT professionals looking to accelerate their software careers.

Students like yourself can choose the learning timeline that better accommodates their lifestyle. Choose the 20-week, part-time program to learn at your own pace or choose the 12-week, full-time curriculum for a more intensive learning environment. No matter the format you choose, you’ll learn critical software engineering concepts from seasoned subject matter experts, who help answer questions and provide guidance as you navigate labs and projects.

Because employers value portfolios and applicable experience in addition to certifications, by the end of this bootcamp, you will have built a substantial portfolio, one that can separate you from other candidates once you begin applying for software engineering roles.

So, if you think a creative, problem-solving career as a software engineer is right for you, read on to see how QuickStart’s software engineering training will get you set on the path to success.

Who Is a Good Fit for Software Engineering?

Almost anyone can find a future in software engineering. If you’re an adaptable, collaborative, detail-oriented person, our program might be a great fit for you.

Here are a few qualities you might need to succeed in our software engineering bootcamp:

  • Adaptable: This field is constantly evolving, with new technologies and methodologies emerging regularly.
  • Collaborative: Effective communication and teamwork skills are essential for successful collaboration and project completion.
  • Curious and Creative: Successful software engineers often possess a natural curiosity and possess a creative approach to problem solving and enjoy exploring new ideas and technologies.
  • Detail-Oriented: Software development requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure that code is error-free and functions as intended. Individuals who are detail-oriented tend to produce high-quality code and minimize bugs.
  • Persistent and Resilient: Software development can be challenging, with projects often encountering obstacles and setbacks. Individuals who demonstrate persistence, resilience, and a willingness to learn from failures are more likely to succeed in overcoming challenges.
  • Problem-Solver: Software engineering involves tackling complex problems and devising efficient solutions. Individuals with strong analytical and problem-solving abilities tend to thrive in this field.

We still encourage students to apply to this bootcamp, even if you feel like you’re not an exact fit. With so many potential career paths in software engineering, there’s bound to be a position that suits your unique skills and personality once you’ve completed the program.

What Entry-Level Software Roles Can You Land After Coding Bootcamp Training?

Completing our software engineering bootcamp makes you eligible for a wide variety of potential software engineering roles like front-end developer, back-end developer, and junior software engineer. Let’s explore some of the most relevant positions you can pursue after completing our program.

Front-End Developer

A front-end developer makes an average salary of $110,000 each year. They handle responsibilities like navigating markup languages, including HTML, to create user-friendly web pages. They also maintain, improve, and optimize applications for maximum load and performance speeds.

Back-End Developer

Back-end developers enjoy a typical salary of $120,000 each year. Most back-end developers spend time engaging in full application lifecycles, with a focus on coding, debugging, and writing clean code that reinforces functional web applications. They also troubleshoot and debug various back-end programs to ensure seamless front-end loading and user enjoyment.

Junior Software Engineer

As an entry-level software professional, junior software engineers earn an average salary of $89,407 each year. They support development management teams in software design and coding responsibilities, actively participating in company development meetings. They also work hard to continuously enhance their coding skills through ongoing education and codebase improvement.

*All salaries are subject to change.

Software Portfolio Preparation

As mentioned previously, unlike traditional IT professions, where certifications demonstrate your mastery of a specific field, software engineering and development proficiency is often evaluated through your portfolio. This means your existing work, including code samples and functional applications, are particularly important in securing your employment.

Employers prioritize practical experience and demonstrated skills over format certification in software engineering. As in all IT fields, continuous education is especially important in reinforcing the skills you learn and adding to the number of hands-on projects you can display as part of your portfolio.

Software engineers often find unique ways to build a stand-out portfolio. One strategy is contributing to open-source projects, where engineers lend their experience in certain fields to help move public projects forward. If you’re working to build an impressive front-end web development portfolio, you can also consider engaging in self-directed learning that include real-world labs or coding environments.

Throughout this bootcamp, your instructors will guide you every step of the way to helping you format, layout, and design the portfolio that can showcase the breadth of your work and catch an employer's eye. Sometimes, all you need is a little refining from experts to really display your extensive skillset that can be carried with you throughout your career.

Software Engineering Bootcamp Learning Outcomes

Finishing with a certificate of completion from our software engineering bootcamp is a strong sign to employers that you’re ready for a professional software engineering role. Upon completing our program, you will have attained the following learning objectives:

  • Build proficiency in translating real-world problems into executable code.
  • Develop skills in event handling, asynchronous programming, and API navigation.
  • Learn best practices for creating responsive, visually appealing web layouts.
  • Construct single-page applications (SPAs) with React Router.
  • Improve proficiency in integrating Express.js with databases and other web technologies, including Object Oriented Programming.

These learning outcomes form the foundation of your success once it’s time to take your first step — or your next step — into the world of software engineering.

Find Your New Software Engineering Job Role with QuickStart!

QuickStart’s software engineering bootcamp is an on-ramp to one of the fastest-growing sectors in technology. Our program prepares you for a career as a front-end developer, back-end developer, or junior software engineer. During the program itself, and for six months after, you can also consult with our Career Services team for additional professional support.

Our robust career services program helps in facilitating for you a seamless transition into the software engineering workforce. Our team can help you prepare your resume, practice for interviews, and even access exclusive job opportunities all upon enrolling into the bootcamp.

Learn more about our software engineering bootcamp by filling out the “Request More Info” form on this page and speaking with a member of our admissions team. We have multiple cohorts available whenever you’re ready to take your next career step in software engineering.

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